well done Campbell for putting the low life in his place
well done Campbell for putting the low life in his place
The more I read about this, the more despicable I find the conduct of the Daily Mail.
The online edition featured a picture of Ralph Miliband's gravestone, accompanied by a cheap pun. The Daily Mail actually admitted that this may not have been appropriate! To me, it just speaks volumes about this grotty rag and its agenda.
There's also the hypocrisy. The Daily Mail criticises David Miliband's parentage. Perhaps it should focus on its own parentage:
Did anyone else see Alistair Campbell and the Daily Mail's deputy editor on Newsnight last night? I'm no fan of Campbell, but he was right on the money! This is brilliant!
Milipede brought in the vile-rent-a-gob Alistair Campbell to fight his corner on the BBC - is he one of his advisers nowadays ? Perhaps Blair's not bunging his old mate enough wedge
serious question for you "more mature" members:--
do you think ed millipede sounds like zippy out of Rainbow--? remember it...??
hes just the labour party stooge--the fall guy when they lose the next election. but--whose next in the spot?
Quite why they feel the need to launch an attack on a dead man is beyond me. For once I salute Cameron for saying what he did.
I can only assume that with it's history of supporting Fascists it sees even dead Marxists as a threat
Embarrassing journalism.![]()
There are millions that hate britain. What is the problem?
well its back fired because its took up time on the news and press and away from cameron and his ground breaking policies
oh great idea, stop kids claiming dole, so easy to do takes so little effort, how about creating something likes jobs or apprenticeships for them so they don't need to, not so easy for cameron that takes effort![]()
Thats the big problem Joe when the kids are trained there is no jobs for them. But there is a few on here that cant see that.![]()
Young people under 25 could lose their state benefits if they are not in work, education or training in the next round of Conservative welfare reforms, David Cameron revealed today.
In his closing speech the Tory conference in Manchester, the Prime Minister disclosed that his party’s manifesto for the 2015 election would include proposals to tackle the problem of “Neets” – young people not in education, employment or training.
Later Tory officials confirmed that under-25s would lose their automatic right to Housing Benefit and Jobseeker’s Allowance if they refused to take up offers of work, training or education. The move is unlikely to be introduced before the 2015 election because the Liberal Democrats have already blocked proposals by Tory ministers to curb Housing Benefit for under-25s.
You don't really need a shovel to dig that hole you're in do you Joe![]()
government's have partly created this mess with their tier 1 and 2 visa's, they should have told unis to start courses for the jobs that are on the jobs shortage list' they did it with doctors, why not the other jobs on the list , instead of worthless combined psychology and knitting degrees
they know what skilled workers this country needs from the list they create, so there no excuses for not training Brits to do the jobs![]()
Cameron going to need a shovel that's many under 25yr old that will not be voting Tory, there only you , dedworth and gWapito left
next tory gov , oh thats going to be probably 10yrs away
i doubt they can do that anyway , under 25 is young now, i thought that was 18by UK law your no longer a minor, so if someone at 16 gets a job and works til they are 24 and gets made redundant, they are not allowed benefits he talking
Joe, yet again I find myself having to quote the obvious, and no doubt yet again you'll come out with some other drivel. So once again, here's the relevant part of the speech which you're having difficulty understanding:-
" if they refused to take up offers of work, training or education "
now come on, it's really not that difficult to comprehend is it![]()
so where are these offers of work going to come from, training or education are they in fantasy land or are you ?
jobs doing what , where are they on the EU job web site ? training college or ??
where's the info on the training or education or jobs, ??? nothing surely they have an idea or do they ???? i wait your answer![]()
As predicted Joe, more drivel to deflect from the fact that you misread the speech and can't admit you were wrong.
As you may have guessed by the fact that I was posting on here when the speech in question was being broadcast, I am not the leader of the conservative party. However, I do support his principles. Now I'm sure with all your skills for digging up rubbish on the net a man of your somewhat blinkered intelligence can find the email to the conservative party and direct your question to them rather than ask me to guess![]()
like i said its so easy to say your not getting this or that, but its a completely different matter creating over 1,000,000 jobs, training places or apprenticeships for these under 25yrs old.
so less of the waffle and more of the facts of how this is going to happen
so you've no idea then? neither has Cameronif he did have he would have said something
more bull
well its not going to happen as pointed out, they will have to refuse a job, training or an apprenticeshiplike i said its not going to happen because the gov is going to have to find places for 1,000,000+ under 25yr olds first before they can refuse them benefits
blast from the past .. nothing changes back to 1984
"Down by the docks the talking turned/ 'As some are striving to survive/ The others thrive.'"
I think Joe makes a perfectly simple and valid point. I think it's rather blinkered to support a policy and yet not be able to answer his question.
Camerons idea only has validity if he has somewhere for these people to go. You cant say you're going to stop their benefits if you have nothing for them to do.
Wouldn't it have also been a good idea to say that on top of this I'm also going to compel companies to offer their positions first to the unemployed whether it's actual jobs or apprenticeships. No more jobs on Euro websites until we've sorted our own out first.
For a party that's always quick to wrap itself in the union jack this would have been a very patriotic thing to do. British positions for British Unemployed.
The policy is a decent policy if you have something for them to do but if you haven't all it amounts to is hot air which just about sums Cameron's speech up![]()
now if he said, I've been in contact with the top 100 companies in the UK, and I have secured 100,000 apprenticeships or jobs (never-mind the 1m he needs ) then I'll believe it, but like public enemy said 'don't believe the hype'he's made a big speech with words but nothing to back it up.. and remember you cant just have British jobs for British workers , they have to be available to any Europeans to
Very good point Marco.
It's ridiculous importing labour when we have so many unemployed.
I don't for one minute accept the excuses that employers are putting up for simply taking advantage of CHEAP LABOUR.
Our government (of whatever party) simply needs to grasp one or two nettles, and sort out an education system that produces school-leavers who are employable, and a system that encourages dependency....as well as closing the gates to the foreigners who are disrupting our employment market.
Ie...GET OUT OF THE EU !![]()
There was a program on BBC about a year ago where school leavers were offered jobs and they had to prove themselves initially.
What shocked me was the attitude of most of the kids - they just couldnt be bothered. I know thats not a large enough "sample" but it opened my eyes to the types of sillyness that exists in a group of people that seem to want everything on a plate..
I also think the schools really need to think about the skills of tomorrow - in my industry (IT Security) there is a shortage of people - there are loads of jobs in my sector, I believe I get 2 calls a week from headhunters asking if I'm looking or know anyone suitable..
I'm glad my son (just finished he GCSE's) seems to have his head screwed on but lots of his friends didnt get the required grades to stay in his 6th form and he now calls them losers because they had the chance but decided to doss rather then graft. My son only got this attitude a year ago and had to turn around his studies big time and he did. I was really pleased.
Personally with the way this country is going we need to see youngsters do something otherwise some of us will be supporting our kids well into their 20's...
Going back to this party or that party - if Labour come back into power things wont change... and I think we'll have to really tighten our belts even more... somehoe I cant see millipede as a PM.
When Ed Milliband's dad was a teenager, railing against privilege, look who Daily Mail proprietor Lord Rothermere was socialising with.
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