Ed Milliband's dad was Hitler![]()
Ed Milliband's dad was Hitler![]()
Simon - this is a typical Left response to a sensible policy. Ignore the facts, they are not relevant, just think of the children and kittens.
Meanwhile, why didn't this cause similar outrage (link below):
The Daily Mail is now being accused of anti-semitism both in the media (also by some Guardian readers on this forum)
Just to clarify and for the sake of good order :-
Both the author of the article, Geoffrey Levy, and the paper’s deputy editor, Jon Steafel who defended the piece on Newsnight, are Jewish.
In an interview with the Evening Standard, editor Sarah Sands said Miliband "rejects the suggestion of some of his more indignant supporters that the attack on his father is closet racism.
Well, Gwaps ...... whatever the "why's and wherefores" of this debate, I'm pleased to see you getting "stuck in there" - clearly enjoying yourself!
Shows the therapeutic effect it's having on your morale after the hell you've been through ... and that, my friend, can only be a good thing!
stick that on your wall dedworth![]()
Here's a few champagne guzzlers you might need for your collection Joe
Interesting that for such a patriotic newspaper its proprietor doesn't pay a penny in tax to thebut makes a sizeable contribution to the Conservative Party.
That's what gets me about the extreme right. They love this country so much that the mere mention of paying some or a bit more tax and they're either threatening or on their bikes straight away. Rule Britannia but they sell off Nuclear power stations to the French, Water Companies to the French and Germans, Rail Companies to France, Holland and Germany, Steel Industry to India and even the Spanish own a lot of our main Airports. To top this off we're just about to flog off the Royal Mail. What price the Queens Head is going to end up in the hands of the Germans.
So what's more patriotic selling off most of the infrastructure off this great country to Germany and the rest of the World or wanting to nationalise it and bring back into state ownership where all profits go back to the country.![]()
Thanks Arthur
I know I'll have bad days as well. ..After all said and done, it's not me calling the shots. .I'm all to aware things can get difficult in a flash. ..long may she remain happy. .If she's happy so is everyone else. ..even with children, possession is 9 10 tenths of the law.
I'm just making hay while the sun shines![]()
Ah ...... but I take my hat
off to you for the way you've coped with an extremely difficult situation. Indeed, circumstances in which many would buckle under the pressure of it all. May you now go from strength to strength, mate ... and my thanks for the rep; it's very much appreciated.
Marco they're following the fine example of Champagne Socialist Margaret Hodges family business :-
Margaret Hodge's family company pays just 0.01pc tax on £2.1bn of business generated in the UK
The following article gives an indication of how close Lord Rothermere was to Hitler and at what time. It certainly wasn't, as you suggest, "well before the war"
I dont think readers on this forum can claim that others are now accusing the Daily Mail of anti-semmitism. The fact that the articles author and deputy deditor are Jewish has absolutely no bearing on the proprieter Lord Rothermere, from over 50 years ago who may have had totally different beliefs.
This thread now seems to have "lost the plot". The reason i posted the picture of Rothermere and Hitler was to illustrate that the Mail has its own skeletons in the cupboard which perhaps it should remember before publishing such tripe.
Sadly there are plently of small minded Daily Mail readers only too happy to read and delight in this rubbish. Personally i think Miliband is justified in creating a fuss over the article.
Just like the Mail, and most of us decent people, we were justifiable in making our displeasure known at the gross disrespect given to baroness Lady Thatcher's memory and her family at her funeral.
Ded posted a pic of Miliband and the grave dancer hand in hand.
This showed this guy's true colours. .
A paper from the gutter. I wouldnt wipe mywith it never alone buy it.
You posted a 1930's picture of Hitler & Lord Rothermere (great grandfather of the present Mail owner) then by referring to it as a skeleton in the Mails cupboard you are unsubtly giving a broad hint of a facist, anti-semitic connection with the 2013 Mail article. It's the tired old left wing ploy when all else fails play the racist card.
Read my post #66 where in the Standard Milipede himself "rejects the suggestion of some of his more indignant supporters that the attack on his father is closet racism"
"The Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith went further, pointing out that the Mail had been an enthusiastic supporter of the Nazis in the 1930s. Mr Goldsmith said it was “odd for a newspaper to judge a man on the basis of the history of his family when that newspaper is owned by a family that did more to pursue the Nazi cause prewar than any other [publication]”.
Referring to Harold Harmsworth, the first Viscount Rothermere and great-grandfather of the current proprietor, he said: “[Joseph] Goebbels himself wrote endless documents about Rothermere, describing him as being a strong ally and ‘strongly against the Jews’. Those are the words he used. "
The above extracted from an article appearing in the Independant
Seems to me the Daily Mail had very strong facist, anti-semitic connections. Would the present Daily Mail owner be defending his great grandfathers views i wonder?
Regardless of the Mails past, clearly you cannot ignore that the article was in bad taste, the press watchdog having now received 32 complaints about it. Publishing a photograph of Ralph Milibands grave with an online copy of the article was more than "an error of judgement", which gladly they did hastily remove. I fail to understand how anyone can defend the Mail and this sort of gutter journalism.
If you've got any doubt about the Mails fascist leanings here's an article published in the paper in April 2012 at the time of the French elections. Sarkozy (centre right) versus Hollande (left) . Obviously Sarkozy wasn't far enough to the right as the mail article which was headlined Despite her flaws, the only responsible vote in France next Sunday is one for Marine Le Pen suggested the only vote was for The National Front.
Dave's still interested, I'm going slightly![]()
for some reason you missed this dedworth
David Cameron's election guru Lynton Crosby uses mysterious offshore tax haven
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I would comment on this thread, but I have a Budgie to bath.![]()
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