Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

In the case of markroomspain, he knew his wife wouldn't like it when he started smoking again and worse, he hid it until she caught him. What made things worst, he called her a "nagging *****" which was uncalled for. Did she have a valid reason why she had the "tampo" mode on? A big fat YES.
I totally agree with you on that Rayna which I now duly appologised to my wife for.

What I do not and never will condone is physical violence whether man to woman or woman to man nor do I condone psychological or emotional or any type of abuse whatsoever.

I think this has been taking out of context the nagging b1tch, it can mean hardly nothing to somebody or really hurt somebody else, the way it was said to my wife was with no malice just as passing remark without offence even in terms of a pun hence the thread Sensitive Filipina.

I know for one thing my wife is a very emotional and takes things to heart as I now know, as we in the west would just laugh off but like I said we are still learning about each other and she knows my feelings and vice versa.

Once more we gain from each other through experiences like this and this does make us stronger.

Just my input Rayna...