Mark ... I was widowed in December 1991 ...
exactly 12 months (give or take a few days) prior to what
would've been our
Silver Wedding Anniversary.
(rightly or wrongly) I relived my teenage years in my 50s. And, in the lengthy duration before eventually meeting Myrna in 2008, I'd occasion to become embroiled in a number of (shall I say?) rather tempestuous "rollercoaster" relationships ... where my emotions were all over the place.
Which is
WHY I felt unable to respond to this particular thread of yours sooner ... because, in the course [of some] of those I've described in the previous paragraph, more than a few harsh words were exchanged - on
BOTH sides!! Part of the problem
may (with hindsight) have been attributed to the fact that I was still subconsciously emotionally fragile from my bereavement ... causing me to become too eager to please - yet (unwittingly) creating the opposite effect - I don't really know, tbh.
Thankfully, however, I've been extremely fortunate in my choice of the two ladies I
actually married.