Thanks Ricky & Gingx2! I'm really glad to meet you two. I'm here cuz I have questions I'm looking for answers that I hope people here could help me out. If you'd be kind enough to please hear me out and reply to my questions then you'd be helping me big time.
I posted a question but no one seem to reply. I'm not being pessimistic,just being realistic.
My husband works on a cruise ship. Works for 5 months, on vacation for a month then works again for another 5 months. The thing is, my husband admitted to me that he cheated on me. That was when he was drunk. Next day, when he was sobber he told me he lied about cheating and said he always behaved really good. I read a message on his phone which he sent to his cabin mate saying: "Don't rush coming back in the room cuz I'm busy".
Like I said in the other post, we're still together but he's back on the ship and I can't just ignore his confession. I'm worried sick especially for my daughter. I only want the best for her. That's why I'm asking you guys out to me please. What shall I do?