1379390_752498168097182_1484924534_n.jpg labour charge 5.71 for the builder and half that for his helper can,t argue with that
1379390_752498168097182_1484924534_n.jpg labour charge 5.71 for the builder and half that for his helper can,t argue with that
You'd better teach them what a spirit-level is!
lol don,t worry about that it will be straight trust me they have some unorthodox ways of doing things here but its their way of doing things here lol.
Busy Busy, Tiger!![]()
Looks like you are having a garden wall built
I'm sure it'll be ok when it's finished Tiger!![]()
Tiger.. Im just a tad confused.
Which building is which? I m assuming that the units painted different colours are separate or are they all yours?
What is the roof made of at the moment and what size rebar is that?
Looks like 8mm.. Should be at least 12mm IMO.. BTW thats not a criticism and I may well be wrong!!
571.00 a day seems an odd wage request.. Normally its 200.00,350.00, 550.00 or 600.00!!
But 571?
Onli in di Pilipins eh!!
Good luck with the build BTW!!
400 pesos a day divided by 70 pesos to the pound at the current exchange rate = 5.71 a day .The beige and red building its actually a semi detached 2 bed bungalow .I am adding another bedroom covering over the driveway to the side and extending the kitchen .The roof is just the usual tin stuff I believe but never been up on the roof .I looked at another extension on someone elses house which is the same as mine and really liked the layout so i,m using the same builder for mine .The misus wants to use the place for an income so the front will be used for 8 computers as a small internet cafe and to the side she wants a store and more computers to the side .I will place more pictures as it progresses its kinda hard to visualise it at the moment .The total cost of all the work and labour will be around 200,000 pesos for what they will be doing to the place I consider it a bargain.not sure what size of rebar it is but because its only single level i,m not really bothered it looks strong enough for me .
LOL i,m just the financier the misus is dee boss .she hates the fact that I pay for everything and wants to contribute to the household income.we done the same thing in lapu lapu and made very little as she said because i interfered ,so this time she will do it her way ,she also own an internet cafe when we met so she knows whats she,s doing .
With that colour scheme, i thought you where building your own Mcdonalds franchise.
Out of stock sir.... the owner ate them all![]()
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...levant_count=2 day 6 of the build rain has interupted us a bit but plodding on thats doras brother on the wall .
Looking good Tiger!!
What about your A/C exhaust? Stays where it is?
hi fred after you asked me the question about the water run off from the A.C I had a look and racked ma brains lol and what ive decided is that I will run a pipe chiselled into the wall down under the AC and burried under the concrete along the floor through the wall and an elbow attached so that it drips away from the outside wall but a few inches off the wall onto the street as I will be tiling the inside walls and floor so you wont see any ugly pipes on the inside .i,ll attached a tiny funnel just under the AC leading into the hidden pipe job done .
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=991041050909558 roof ready for concrete
Just a thought, but couldn't you extend the a/c pipework and mount the condenser unit on the new roof![]()
Not trying to change your mind but.........
Doesn't the condenser blow out the hot air, and therefore you're going to have a room full of hot air, maybe worth rethinking before you possibly turn it into an internet room with more electrical equipment making it more like a sauna.![]()
yes I know what you mean but its going to be with grills on the front no windows we will put fans on the ceiling .its not as hot here as in other places like cebu I can actually sleep without the aircon on .I more worried about the rain getting in during a storm although the roof will overhang about 2 feet .we are just trialing this at the moment we intend to put more computers on the side of the house as well its all planned and hopefully it will work .the misus owned a net cafe before with 30 computers so i,m trusting her to know whats she,s doing .I ,ll post pictures as things come together to let everyone see .
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