It would appear some of the things I've said over the last few days haven't gone down too well with some people

I've just had the pleasure of receiving negative rep with something I said in regard to a Moderators response in a thread. The comment was 'below the belt' no name unfortunately

From my point of view at the moment there seems to be a clique that follows certain people on here and take offence to people having a difference of opinion

It's a bit like a school playground sometimes where some are eager to dish it out but don't like it being returned.
To make things crystal clear, we all know the Moderator is Joe, and please trust me Joe this isn't aimed at you, hey I even sent you positive rep for making me laugh in the same thread.
Yesterday I tried helping a fellow member in regard to a UKBA form, but I was shot down in flames for saying wait till the morning and I would find out the answer
To sum up, I enjoy the forum and a lot of the banter as well as the community spirit, BUT if my presence here causes offence then say so and I'll take my leave.
Over to you guys, should I stay or.........