Quote Originally Posted by songz777 View Post
Hi guys.
I guess this is more for the ladies who have left their home land and moved to UK with the husbands.

I really need to know what it feel likes for you to leave home and come here so I can understand and help my wife adjust later.

Please give me advise on what to do to make things easier.
How long does it take to adjust?
What Can I do to make her feel more like being home?
What can I do to support her in emotional times?

I really appreciate your advise here.

Many thanks
When I moved here in 2009. It was difficult...especially the place I live in now, it is a small town in Scotland and the mall is like miles away. I have lived in the City, I have always been a City girl. I like the noise and the crowd. But when I moved in here... I think I've got environment shock and of course the people in the area, known each other since they were young and they know everyone in the town. I think they have never leave the town ever. So it was like, I will always be an outsider in this town. It took me a year to adjust and settle down. What I did was I applied for a job, I sign up for social club and also I attended Church Service and my daughter goes to Sunday school. Also, I keep myself occupied by taking up short courses at College. Your wife will need your, love, patient, understanding and support. Good luck hope this will help. I am sure she will settle though it takes time... But she will.