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Thread: Humiliating defeat for Theresa May in landmark Supreme Court appeal over 'stateless' terror suspect

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not so little if your a Union member gWapito

    dedworth is always about doctors pay, union bosses pay(£100k) , dedworth what about the chief execs pay from SSE, his basic is just £755,000 and they've just forced people to start paying near to a 10% increase for gas and electric
    My Union can't take all the credit. .The site's geographical location ( close to the greatest metropolis in the world ) helped plus the outfit I'm on for can afford it.

    Not really sure why all this banging on about power price rises. ...what would you prefer. .power strikes and blackouts of the 70s not to mention the 3 day working week. .privatisation, yeah..give me that every time.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not so little if your a Union member gWapito

    dedworth is always about doctors pay, union bosses pay(£100k) , dedworth what about the chief execs pay from SSE, his basic is just £755,000 and they've just forced people to start paying near to a 10% increase for gas and electric
    An obscene salary but if the shareholders let the Chief Exec earn it you can't really blame him for taking it £28 billion turnover company with 20000 employees. Wait and see what the rest of them do over price increases but there is a spineless regulator OFGEM (appointed by Labour) which the Govt have said they will sort out and more importantly a large chunk of the increase are due to arch hypocrite & Champagne Socialist Millipede.

    As you didn't spot it Joe I'll copy below my post #45 from this thread :-


    In January 2010, he promised to push ahead, saying: ‘Yes, there are upward pressures on energy bills, and that makes life difficult for people, including those in fuel poverty, but it is right that we go down the low-carbon energy route.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    An obscene salary but if the shareholders let the Chief Exec earn it you can't really blame him for taking it £28 billion turnover company with 20000 employees. Wait and see what the rest of them do over price increases but there is a spineless regulator OFGEM (appointed by Labour) which the Govt have said they will sort out and more importantly a large chunk of the increase are due to arch hypocrite & Champagne Socialist Millipede.

    As you didn't spot it Joe I'll copy below my post #45 from this thread :-


    In January 2010, he promised to push ahead, saying: ‘Yes, there are upward pressures on energy bills, and that makes life difficult for people, including those in fuel poverty, but it is right that we go down the low-carbon energy route.
    I'm glad you reposted that Ded. .you could call it selective reading on some folks part. .perhaps this piece of Labour history has been deemed ''past is past''

  4. #64
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    My Union can't take all the credit. .The site's geographical location ( close to the greatest metropolis in the world ) helped plus the outfit I'm on for can afford it.

    Not really sure why all this banging on about power price rises. ...what would you prefer. .power strikes and blackouts of the 70s not to mention the 3 day working week. .privatisation, yeah..give me that every time.
    Lets get back to coal fires and knacker all the big 6 up. If china can pour out pollution why cant we.
    Having said that I have seen a lot of asian houses using calor gas heaters. Food for thought maybe.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Lets get back to coal fires and knacker all the big 6 up. If china can pour out pollution why cant we.
    Having said that I have seen a lot of asian houses using calor gas heaters. Food for thought maybe.
    Yeah, calor gas heaters. .I remember us having to put one of those in the babies bedroom 30 odd years ago. ..where's the coal going to come from?. ..It was shipped in before because the greedy Unions priced the us out the market. ..even though they knew the industry was heavily subsidised as it was......They knew what they were doing. .They weren't as stupid as they looked although Scargill went the extra mile in that department

  6. #66
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    There is plenty of coal in Britain there is no need to import it. You have privatisation on the brain. Do you like being held to ransom?. Look at royal mail? Most of the shares have gone abroad. It just shows how much you care about this country supporting the big sell offs. I agree with Milliband we should nationalise and make us self sufficient again. At the end of the day you will vote what party is best for you and I will do the same but it wont be the tories thats for sure.

  7. #67
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    At the time it was evidently cheaper to bring coal in from abroad. I've already said this in my previous post

    If privatisation is better for our country then I'm all for it

    We'll be getting a better service from Royal Mail when they turf out the dead wood and fill the positions with young energetic people who actually want to do the job and get on

    'Privatisation on the brain' , it's you going on about stitching up the big 6 and the Royal Mail sell off. ..I'm just going with the flow

    Nationalisation didn't work before. ..what makes you think it would work now. .I doubt you were old enough to see how it was in the bad old days. ..who do you think was paying for those extortionate pay rises. .The Government of course. ..It wasn't going to last. ..just like the ever increasing welfare bill. .It won't and it can't last. .that too, will end in tears

  8. #68
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    Im older than you think and you cant teach me anything, I remember the days in the 60s and 70s when people had jobs. Good jobs at that and the standard of living was better. I think you will find the tories have gone too far this time like I said they have no control of soaring prices Because it all comes from abroad. We own nothing, Get it?.
    Just answer me one question. Why are quite a few of us on here wanting to leave this country and go to a third world country?

  9. #69
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    Thee young uns...tha nos nowt.


  10. #70
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    I will ask you again gwapee. Why are quite a few of us on here wanting to leave this country and go to a third world country?. Maybe you will answer this time. Even your mate Ded can chip in if he likes.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    I will ask you again gwapee. Why are quite a few of us on here wanting to leave this country and go to a third world country?. Maybe you will answer this time. Even your mate Ded can chip in if he likes.
    Sorry Andy. .im at work so, posts are here and there

    In answer to your question. ...perhaps poor employment...poor pay. .no prospects. Maybe unable to secure visas for loved ones.That's good enough reasons for some I guess. ....wouldn't be enough for me though.

    If you've lived in the same town all your life and never really tried it anywhere else I personally can't see the logic in going to a 3rd world where finding and creating gainful employment is virtually nil, especially if you are unwilling to motivate yourself to find it in this land of golden opportunity

    I wonder how many wouldn't go if they did have good paying jobs they enjoyed doing. ..not very many. ..

    Then you got the folks who retire out there. .nothing wrong in that. .drawing your pensions over there, all makes sense as long as you are well covered for all eventualities which won't be cheap.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    We own nothing, Get it?.
    I suggest taking a look outside your box..or rather, Wolverhampton

    What Britain exports: the ultimate chart

    We've never had it so good


  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    I remember the days in the 60s and 70s when people had jobs. Good jobs at that and the standard of living was better.
    Yes, I remember..Thanks to your Unions, getting grossly over paid in a nationalised industry (subsidised by the British Taxpayer ) for producing stuff nobody wanted.....Yeah, the general public are screaming for those day to come back

    Here's what happened to BT...similar to The Royal Mail setup

    gcse economics - tools of the trade: privatisation - case studies

    Case study of the telephone industry
    Scenario A
    Initially British Telecom was owned and controlled by the government it was the only supplier of telephone lines in the country. It had a monopoly.
    Scenario B
    The industry was privatised. BT was sold to private individuals and is now owned by shareholders as a public limited company. Also other firms were allowed to provide telephone lines for the public.
    It created competition. This should help reduce prices
    BT still makes huge profits. These go to ‘fat cat’ directors and shareholders
    Firms have aimed to increase quality e.g. extra features on phones
    BT still has a monopoly in the market. It is difficult for other firms to get established
    The government doesn’t have to pay for BT therefore taxes should be lower
    A lot of people lost their jobs after privatisation as BT needed to become more efficient

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Sorry Andy. .im at work so, posts are here and there

    In answer to your question. ...perhaps poor employment...poor pay. .no prospects. Maybe unable to secure visas for loved ones.That's good enough reasons for some I guess. ....wouldn't be enough for me though.

    If you've lived in the same town all your life and never really tried it anywhere else I personally can't see the logic in going to a 3rd world where finding and creating gainful employment is virtually nil, especially if you are unwilling to motivate yourself to find it in this land of golden opportunity

    I wonder how many wouldn't go if they did have good paying jobs they enjoyed doing. ..not very many. ..

    Then you got the folks who retire out there. .nothing wrong in that. .drawing your pensions over there, all makes sense as long as you are well covered for all eventualities which won't be cheap.
    Do you drink at work gwapee? I am talking about people on here that want to retire there. All this rubbish your spouting out about brownouts surely that put would people off going. But it doesnt, The answer is its a better standard of living over there and the climate is better.. And cheaper prices. Not bad for a corrupt government. And all these brownouts. And by the way you must support it or be a hypocrite because your still going there.. And another thing if governments kept prices down there wouldnt be any need for strikes and high pay rises. You cant blame a working guy for wanting to earn a decent wage.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post

    Not really sure why all this banging on about power price rises. ...what would you prefer. .power strikes and blackouts of the 70s not to mention the 3 day working week. .privatisation, yeah..give me that every time.
    for some they might as well have power strikes and blackouts with the rising costs have you ever heard of 'fuel poverty' Google it

    shocking that some pensioners and poor will die because they cant afford to heat their home , i'm sure the boss of SSE with not be cold with his £755,000 wage

  16. #76
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Too true Joe but then you cant expect people paying 40% tax to understand.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Too true Joe but then you cant expect people paying 40% tax to understand.
    no because they think everyone else is just the same as them, better off or they couldn't give a about anyone else

  18. #78
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    E.on blames energy reforms as it scraps pensioner tariff

    Tens of thousands of pensioners face higher gas and electricity bills this winter after an energy giant today announced plans to scrap a tariff aimed at the over 60s.


  19. #79
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Exactly what we are saying terpe the government has no control over private companies. So why do it?

  20. #80
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    people have slagged off stated owned companies, but BT still own the backbone,

    the primary purpose of privatized gas and electric companies is to make money for its shareholders, not to heat peoples homes

    where is the competition when they all charge the same price and all push the prices up at exactly the same time

  21. #81
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Good point Joe. It might eventually sink in.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Do you drink at work gwapee? I am talking about people on here that want to retire there. All this rubbish your spouting out about brownouts surely that put would people off going. But it doesnt, The answer is its a better standard of living over there and the climate is better.. And cheaper prices. Not bad for a corrupt government. And all these brownouts. And by the way you must support it or be a hypocrite because your still going there.. And another thing if governments kept prices down there wouldnt be any need for strikes and high pay rises. You cant blame a working guy for wanting to earn a decent wage.
    Excuse me but, I don't drink at work or outside work, I'm teetotal I'm not talking about other members motives, I'm just on about your's

    Perhaps the brownouts are a small price to pay for some just to get away from a previous life.

    It's a better standard of living if you have money..If you are potless here you are you can bet your bottom dollar you are going to be short of readies there....unless of course you have made provisions here like for example renting out your house

    Where do you get the cheaper prices obviously haven't experienced paying any elecricity water and fuel bills.

    I go to The Philippines to I've had holidays in most parts of the world before going to the Phils..that doesn't mean I support each of the Governments agendas

    No, you can't blame a guy wanting to earn a decent wage for his family. That, we can agree on, Andy

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Good point Joe. It might eventually sink in.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    people have slagged off stated owned companies, but BT still own the backbone

    The primary purpose of privatized gas and electric companies is to make money for its shareholders
    Of course it isThese are not charities....You've been lording it up on this money for nothing system for too long Joe

    You mark my words...Royal Mail will undoubtedly improve...I've seen the walkouts..I've seen the strikes and I expect we've all experienced the poor service.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Shocking that some pensioners and poor will die because they cant afford to heat their home
    That is truly terrible

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    no because they think everyone else is just the same as them, better off or they couldn't give a about anyone else
    In my case that isn't true

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post

    You mark my words...Royal Mail will undoubtedly improve...I've seen the walkouts..I've seen the strikes and I expect we've all experienced the poor service.

    CWU strike ballot result - details

    The Communication Workers Union's ballot result for strike action in Royal Mail will be announced around 3pm on Wednesday 16th October 2013. A mass meeting will also take place at 8:45am on Tuesday 15th October outside Royal Mail's Mount Pleasant workplace in London.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    CWU strike ballot result - details

    The Communication Workers Union's ballot result for strike action in Royal Mail will be announced around 3pm on Wednesday 16th October 2013. A mass meeting will also take place at 8:45am on Tuesday 15th October outside Royal Mail's Mount Pleasant workplace in London.
    What more reason does one need for privatisation

  29. #89
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    What more reason does one need for privatisation
    give it a few years and it will be owned by the Chinese or some other foreign company

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    In my case that isn't true

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