Quote Originally Posted by Trefor View Post
Its not cool to come across as a tight git you know The heating is set to 19.5 in our house and it comes on whenever it needs to. It has certainly been on the past few mornings and evenings. I would much prefer to be comfortable and pay a few quid a day.

I pay around £100 a month for electricity and gas, so around £3.30 a day. This is split 70% gas, 30% electricity = £2.30 of gas a day on average (obviously more in winter, minimal in summer with water and cooker heating). Well worth it IMO.
I couldn't give a whether people think I'm cool or not, even though a lot of what I say is tongue in cheek and obviously meant in humour.

It's my money and I'll spend it wisely.

Probably why I don't owe anybody a penny, and everything I own is paid for.

Been there done that with all the flashy impress the friends and neighbours stuff.

It's 21C in my house, and we're all happy and comfy.