An EU study has found 600,000 unemployed migrants are living in Britain - a 42 per cent rise
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An EU study has found 600,000 unemployed migrants are living in Britain - a 42 per cent rise
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Milibands Marxists are more than happy for this benefit claiming rabble to be here - they don't want a referendum on EU membership
The tories dont want to come out of europe either and IF and its a big IF the tories win the next election the referendum will be fixed.
What are the reasons why Labour aren't supporting a referendum Andy ? Anything to do with their broken manifesto pledge and worthless promises ?
I don't think Cameron supports a referendum, he says he does, but then he needs to
He doesnt support a referendum Joe its a vote catcher because the tories are scared of UKIP.
Mr Cameron reacted with fury when he learned of the proposal last night – and immediately vowed to stop it at all costs.
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There is confidence for you. Either he dont believe cameron or he is scared of losing his seat.
2 things are crystal clear to me.
1) Milliband and Labour do not want to have a referendum on our continued membership of the EU
2) Neither does Cameron.
Anybody who thinks Cameron was serious about his offer after the next election is kidding themselves. It was a cynical attempt to get back some of the losses they've had to UKIP. You have to remember that the Tories have never let the country have a vote on Europe. Maastricht, Schengen, single European act and more. When other countries were having a referendum we were not allowed.
There is only one way of getting a guarantee of a referendum at the next election and that will be by not voting for either of them.
Strange thing is that if some tory stepped forward now and challenged Cameron's leadership and promised an immediate referendum and won they would virtually kill off Farage overnight and probably win the next election.
600,000 Europeans out of work, many of them will be from Poland and the Baltic's, the same people who we are told will do the jobs Brits don't want to do, and are harder working than Brits![]()
don't believe a word, they are all the same no matter what party or what policy, none of them can be trusted for their promises or word, its just one big game, and as long as these cheating lying parasites keep lining their pockets then its just tough cookies for us,
Did I mention Cameron, Conservatives, UKIP, Uncle Tom Cobley and all. ? Seems like there's a lot of politicians on here dodging the question
Here is my post #4
What are the reasons why Labour aren't supporting a referendum Andy ? Anything to do with their broken manifesto pledge and worthless promises ?
That could well still happen Marco. Any true blue worth his salt would welcome that. ..Cameron is presently hedging his bets, testing the waters.
This new guy on the block sounds like the real deal. He could well force David's hand. The more adverse European publicity the better. ...The Mail are doing the country proud.
You're right of course that ethnic minorities tend to vote for Labour or occasionally parties like respect. But what about Eastern Europeans.
Haven't they all turned away from Communist and Socialist models and now seem to be embracing the capitalist ideals of the west. Surely this is what Thatcher and Reagan dreamt about, knocking the walls down and turning the east into Capitalists. Like any good Capitalists they want to go where the dough is and there is no attempt by call me Dave to stop them.
On January 1st our borders once again open to tens if not hundreds of thousands more Capitalists coming for their share of the cake and Call me Dave has done nothing about it.
Stop taking the easy way out and blaming Labour and ask yourself why in 3 1/2 years of government has Cameron done nothing to stop this.
Cameron wants us to stay in the EU every bit as much as Milliband does. Even Daily Mail readers can work that one out.
I refer you to Post # 1 Marco
An EU study has found 600,000 unemployed migrants are living in Britain - a 42 per cent rise
More than 600,000 unemployed European Union migrants are living in Britain at a cost of £1.5 billion to the NHS alone, according to an EU report.
I'd expect them to be Labour Voters being as it's is the party that supports a multitude of bottom feeders including the workshy, the criminal, the benefit scrounger, feral baby breeders etc
You're right about Thatcher and Reagan wanting to free Eastern Europeans from the yoke of Marxism - they rightly expected them to become capitalists in their own back yard. It was Labour and their socialist EU fellow travellers who encouraged the former Comecon states to join the EU in 2004. The same year the Labour Govt made their classic estimate of 13000 EE immigrants per year. Labour is to blame for this mess Marco it's not an easy way out
Thatcher Campaigns to join Europe in 1975
funny i must have missed all the referendums she had about leaving the EU under her, gray man major and Cameron![]()
Did you also miss my post #13 Joe ?
I know it mentioned Andy but you're avoiding the simple question so for the final time :-
Did I mention Cameron, Conservatives, UKIP, Uncle Tom Cobley and all. ? Seems like there's a lot of politicians on here dodging the question
Here is my post #4
What are the reasons why Labour aren't supporting a referendum Andy ? Anything to do with their broken manifesto pledge and worthless promises ?
i dont know i would have to check the 'worlds socialist website' for that answer
tell me why dedworth ?
but cameron seems to be promising and then delaying andabout a vote
so far only Gwap has given a valid reason why Millipedes Marxists aren't promising an EU referendum
i am just so glad i dont vote, leave it up to you lot to either prove i am missing something and i should or i may just wait for what ever the outcome will be and listen to the winners and loses again![]()
I will answer the question Labour mps will vote in the referendum maybe they want to still be in europe but if it keeps the tories from getting another term in office I will vote for them. Does that answer your question?. And if the foreigners do vote labour the tories are dead.![]()
No problem Ded some of us have to work.. Now be a good chap and help your mate out because I think hes struggling to answer my question.
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