Fury over £40,000 rise for boss of hard-up council: Labour chief in Rochdale given huge increase as it makes £45m in cuts
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2hgjSa8Bk
Fury over £40,000 rise for boss of hard-up council: Labour chief in Rochdale given huge increase as it makes £45m in cuts
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2hgjSa8Bk
£170,000 doesn't seem so bad dedworth, looks like the external review was right
The council chiefs on more than £200,000 in salary and perks
I have no doubt that his £130k a year is probably less than a lot of Chief Executives .
However it's not that long ago that Rochdale Council failed miserably to protect the poor girls in the grooming case. It should also be remembered that senior council officers who presided over this case were allowed to take early retirement as opposed to facing disciplinary action all under the watchful eye of their chief executive.
Now is certainly not the time to be taking that sort of pay rise.
Local authorities take theCentral Govt should be witholding funds from the overspenders. If the Chief Execs and fellow trough feeders feel they are underpaid then they ought to try to get a job in the private sector - they would soon find out no-one would hire them on their grossly over inflated wages
I know one of the Chief executives named left the job 3 years ago so at least I part of the information is out of date, so most probably are the figures.
They have to spend the sky high council tax on something.
I pay £2435.00 to have my bin emptied once a week, the libraries have reduced their services and it seems they are using low energy bulbs in the street lighting as the streets look so dim at night.
Pete - Just be thankful some of your money is helping house those less fortunate than yourself
come on dedworth you'reabout a northern Chief exec who was on £130k, and an external pay review said he was underpaid, judging by your southern Tory cheif execs he was on half their pay
well he's not moaning, your the one moaning, why don't you go and complain to the fat cat Tory chief execs and ask them why they are getting paid £85,000 a year more than a northern Chief exec for doing the same job
I'm moaning about a system that allows a Labour Councillor to complain that his disgracefully run council are a bit low down the pay league table, engage £27000 outside consultants and then hand the Chief Exec a 30%/ £40k pay rise
- Rochdale’s Labour MP Simon Danczuk said Mr Taylor’s 30 per cent pay rise was indefensible.
This is how it goes:-
Labour politician............look at all them lot, they get paid loads more than us,
southern poofs, how can we get away with paying ourselves more
I know, we'll spend some of that money we're meant to save by getting some of them consultants in.
A month and £27000 later, aye up... them consultants we just gave 27 grand to say we need to be paid 30 grand more![]()
Well it wasn't us was it, them consultants said we had to do it, totally disagree with it myself, disgraceful
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