Likewise we had very little spare cash as a family. Armed Forces wages were very low when I was a kid, and dad had to send money home to support a wife, 4 children and a mortgage. No benefits except for the normal 'family allowance' (now child benefit). Our dad was away at sea much of the time of we actually had a navy with ships, plus a few far-flung colonies in those days.
All of our jumpers were knitted by my mother, and we had very few clothes compared to today. One set for school and of course, our 'Sunday Best'. No trainers, just ONE pair of shoes each...which we had to polish each morning before school.
Any rips or tears to trousers etc were sewn or patched, and of course, socks darned. Shoes repaired at the cobbler, if we hadn't grown out of them. Some clothes were also passed down.
No family car for most of my childhood...walk or bus.
No central heating (one coal fire plus hot water bottles). No telephone.
NEVER ate out....wouldn't even know what that was. Only 'takeaway' was fish and chips for us all each Saturday lunch.
We grew lots of vegetables in the garden. Each of us children had chores to do, and that included a lot of the gardening, weeding etc (which I hated).
Oh, and of course YES, we were happy !