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Thread: Fixing the price of Gas & Electric

  1. #1
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    Fixing the price of Gas & Electric

    Just fixed our gas & electric to March 2017 before NPower whack up their prices was on their fix till Feb 2015 both of these no exit fees so its probably stupid not to change it. Hopefully I'll have a smug smile on my face in the next few days

    Apparently March 2017 is the longest fix available at present only being offered by NPower and EDF

  2. #2
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Well i,m also with npower on my house in u.k but i,m waiting for the day when some brave soul takes them to court for charging people more for having prepayment meters than monthly payment schemes and hopefully we will all get a nice fat back dated cheque .Its about time this scandal ended because people are struggling to pay their gas and lecky bills as it is why should people with prepayment meters have to pay more for the same product rant over

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    Well i,m also with npower on my house in u.k but i,m waiting for the day when some brave soul takes them to court for charging people more for having prepayment meters than monthly payment schemes and hopefully we will all get a nice fat back dated cheque .Its about time this scandal ended because people are struggling to pay their gas and lecky bills as it is why should people with prepayment meters have to pay more for the same product rant over
    Well I guess they have to pay the Post Office, Banks or whoever to process the payments, bit like PAYG phones work out dearer than contracts

  4. #4
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Well I guess they have to pay the Post Office, Banks or whoever to process the payments, bit like PAYG phones work out dearer than contracts
    I would like to know the true cost of transactions to the actual costs involved and I bet they will never tell us .why would they if they are making more money for their damn share holders I think its a national disgrace that they have got away with it for this long with 4 million pensioners living in fuel poverty

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    I would like to know the true cost of transactions to the actual costs involved and I bet they will never tell us .why would they if they are making more money for their damn share holders I think its a national disgrace that they have got away with it for this long with 4 million pensioners living in fuel poverty
    Those costs will be fractions of a pence no doubt.

    Regarding the increases bear this in mind :-

    From Sundays Sun

    When Ed Miliband was Energy Minister in the last Labour government he led the charge for legislation to build 10,000 wind turbines by 2020. Figures released while he was in charge show that each turbine is subsidised to the tune of £80 for each hour it generates
    electricity. Even though experts estimate turbines only spin 25 per cent of the time, that still adds up to £1.79billion a year or some £69 on every household bill. Remember to thank the Labour leader for that next time he talks about freezing soaring energy bills.

    Also Millibands green taxes that add £112 to your bill

  6. #6
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Don't know how you sleep at night giving all that money to the Germans

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Don't know how you sleep at night giving all that money to the Germans
    I binned the sweaties earlier this year so it was this lot, Brit Gas (who are the worst of the lot) or the Frogs

  8. #8
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Yep I was with the sweaties for a few years and then they got greedy

  9. #9
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    I got in on that N Power March 2017 fix by the the skin of my teeth as did my Sister and a work colleague of my wife.

    Over the last 6 months Gas & Electric actual usage with them has come out at £91.00 per month

  10. #10
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    I have an answer, if Ukip take note they would romp home.

    Nationlise BG again and 1 electric company and subsidise them up to the hilt. It would be interesting to watch all the other companies try to compete and would drive the prices down.

    As it seems all these companies hardly pay any UK tax this country would probably be better off firstly subsidising and then having some tax revenue coming in from people spending more money as a result of cheaper utility bills.

  11. #11
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    I believe ALL utility companies should be owned and run by 'the people' of this country, for the sole benefit of the people of this country.

    That may sound socialist, but I believe it is just good sense.

    The same goes for internal mail delivery and certain parts of our transport system.

  12. #12
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I believe ALL utility companies should be owned and run by 'the people' of this country, for the sole benefit of the people of this country.

    That may sound socialist, but I believe it is just good sense.

    The same goes for internal mail delivery and certain parts of our transport system.
    Totally agree Graham although Dedworth and his true blue army wouldnt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I believe ALL utility companies should be owned and run by 'the people' of this country, for the sole benefit of the people of this country.

    That may sound socialist, but I believe it is just good sense.

    The same goes for internal mail delivery and certain parts of our transport system.
    I also agree.
    I personally believe it's immoral that such key utilities are under complete control of profit motivated organisation in support of shareholders who are, in the main, not even here in UK.

  14. #14
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I also agree.
    I personally believe it's immoral that such key utilities are under complete control of profit motivated organisation in support of shareholders who are, in the main, not even here in UK.
    Its what Ive been saying all along Terpe we dont own anything.

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    The Islington Socialists had 13 year's to renationalise these operations - why didn't they? Answers on a postcard please.....

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    Too many people with their friends' hands in the till ?

  17. #17
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Both parties have shown a short term view on this country and sold the family silver.

    Utilities should have been regarded as precious and control retained. No surprise really seeing what they have done to defence and border security.

  18. #18
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    Absolutely right.

    Easier to sell your stuff than to go out and MAKE SOME MORE MONEY.

    Of course we're mere plebs who know nothing about basic economics.

    I wouldn't mind if it had been theirs to sell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I got in on that N Power March 2017 fix by the the skin of my teeth as did my Sister and a work colleague of my wife.

    Over the last 6 months Gas & Electric actual usage with them has come out at £91.00 per month
    I'm toying with the idea now ...if it's good enough for Ded...I've been with British Gas for donkeys...end of the day, every little helps

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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I'm toying with the idea now ...if it's good enough for Ded...I've been with British Gas for donkeys...end of the day, every little helps
    Bin 'em Gwap EDF Fixed till March 17 is possibly the way to go or N Power Dec 2017 (10% higher than I paid for March 2017 last week)

    Theres only EDF Scottish Power & EON left to put up their prices which they will all do by 10% before the end of the week

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Bin 'em Gwap EDF Fixed till March 17 is possibly the way to go or N Power Dec 2017 (10% higher than I paid for March 2017 last week)

    Theres only EDF Scottish Power & EON left to put up their prices which they will all do by 10% before the end of the week
    Cheers Ded..............I'll follow that link up

  22. #22
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Today we saw a bit of compassionate Conservatism from John Major saying the Government should impose an emergency tax on the energy companies.

    I agree with him. Shame the current shower haven't got the backbone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Today we saw a bit of compassionate Conservatism from John Major saying the Government should impose an emergency tax on the energy companies.

    I agree with him. Shame the current shower haven't got the backbone.
    Aah John of many who stood by while the knife was put into Margaret Thatcher's back ..the original invisable man ..Anybody can say anything when not in power, even ex Conservative ''leaders''

  24. #24
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Today we saw a bit of compassionate Conservatism from John Major saying the Government should impose an emergency tax on the energy companies.

    I agree with him. Shame the current shower haven't got the backbone.
    Spot on Marco, Maybe he can see now what damage the tories have done by selling us down the river. Another food for thought I wonder what backhander Osborne and his cronies got from doing the deal with china and the french for that nuclear plant in somerset? And Ded if you would what I wrote ages ago you would have seen my answer. We cant nationalise again because it would be too expensive. When you buy shares you want a profit right? Not rocket science mate. Anyway its just another nail in the tory coffin. Bedroom tax and now energy prices.

  25. #25
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Spot on Marco, Maybe he can see now what damage the tories have done by selling us down the river. Another food for thought I wonder what backhander Osbourne and his cronies got from doing the deal with china and the french for that nuclear plant in somerset? And Ded if you would what I wrote ages ago you would have seen my answer. We cant nationalise again because it would be too expensive. When you buy shares you want a profit right? Not rocket science mate. Anyway its just another nail in the torie coffin. Bedroom tax and now energy prices.
    Some interesting reading for you here Andy

  26. #26
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I dont need to read it but thanks for your hard work.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Spot on Marco, Maybe he can see now what damage the tories have done by selling us down the river. Another food for thought I wonder what backhander Osbourne and his cronies got from doing the deal with china and the french for that nuclear plant in somerset? And Ded if you would what I wrote ages ago you would have seen my answer. We cant nationalise again because it would be too expensive. When you buy shares you want a profit right? Not rocket science mate. Anyway its just another nail in the torie coffin. Bedroom tax and now energy prices.
    A large chunk of the blame for high energy prices rests firmly on Labours shoulders - they introduced 5% VAT and Millipede slapped on his ridiculous green taxes and wind farm subsidies then shrugged his shoulders at Labour voters falling into fuel poverty.

    If realistic taxes were levied on these price fixers their stay in the UK market would be less attractive and share values would fall making it easier to renationalise. Labour didn't have any qualms about taking banks into public ownership when their fat cat banker and city chums (cash for honours of course ) screwed up the banking system.

  28. #28
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Aah John of many who stood by while the knife was put into Margaret Thatcher's back ..the original invisable man ..Anybody can say anything when not in power, even ex Conservative ''leaders''
    I believe having secured more votes at a general election than any other Prime Minister in history he has earned the right to give his opinion. Lets not forget he was the last tory to actually be elected Prime Minister.
    I agree with his idea but only in the short term.
    In the Long Term I would be looking to renationalise all the utility companies and the Railways.
    It just requires a leader with some balls to admit that it was a mistake to sell off the countries infrastructure to the money men.
    The Railways will be easy to do but the rest will be a bit harder.
    As far as I'm concerned the City of London institutions owes this country a big favour. It's pay back time and we should be stripping their profits and using that money to buy back what is ours

  29. #29
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I believe ALL utility companies should be owned and run by 'the people' of this country, for the sole benefit of the people of this country.

    That may sound socialist, but I believe it is just good sense.

    The same goes for internal mail delivery and certain parts of our transport system.
    well said the same with water these utilities should all be run by the goverment for non profit o help the masses lead a better life than live in poverty ,its a national disgrace how we in the western world are struggling to survive .pensioners worked all their life looking forward to retire and this is what they got to look forward too.

  30. #30
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    I received an email today from British Gas which I thought I would share:-

    Why are we putting up prices?

    There are a number of costs that make up an energy bill that we don’t directly control. Unfortunately, these costs continue to rise.

    1. The costs of implementing government policies designed to make Britain more energy efficient are going up

    2. The nation’s grid (the pipes and wires that transport and deliver energy around the country) requires a major upgrade. The amount we have to pay to use this network is being increased to pay for this upgrade

    3. The price of energy remains volatile and is increasing in a number of key markets

    Not increasing prices would mean our investments in Britain’s energy future – keeping the lights on and gas in the pipes for years to come – would be at risk. This means that, for a typical British Gas customer, Standard gas prices will rise by 8.6%*, and Standard electricity prices will rise by 10.8%* from 23rd November 2013.

    B]Avoid future rises with Fix & Fall November 2014[/B]

    Sign up to Fix & Fall November 2014, and fix your gas and electricity prices at our new Standard rates until 30th November 2014. It means your prices won’t go up, and if our Standard prices fall, your prices will too. Please see below for Fix & Fall November 2014 terms and conditions.

    Alternatively, with our Fixed Price March 2016 tariff you can choose to fix your gas and electricity prices until 31st March 2016, at a premium of 0.28p/kWh for your gas, and 0.84p/kWh for your electricity (including VAT) compared to our new Standard rates as at 23rd November 2013.

    To fix your prices with Fix & Fall November 2014, sign up by 23rd November 2013

    B]Other important changes you need to know about[/B]

    All of the energy companies have been working with Ofgem, the energy regulator, to make energy pricing simpler and easier to understand. As a result we need to make some changes to your account:

    [B]Clearer energy pricing[/B]
    Currently you are charged two different rates for your Standard tariff, a higher rate for the first few units of energy you use and a lower rate for the rest. You will now be charged one rate for all the energy you use, plus a daily standing charge‡‡. The difference this will make to the amount you pay will vary depending on how much energy you use. For an estimate of what the new standing charge and the other changes will mean for you, use our ‘Energy Changes’ calculator.

    Simpler Direct Debit discounts
    Your Direct Debit discount will now be for all the energy you use rather than on a capped amount. This discount will be included in your unit rate. If you do not keep up your Direct Debit payments new terms will apply. Customers paying by Direct Debit are charged a lower unit rate than customers paying by Cash or Cheque. If you do not honour your Direct Debit payments, we can require you to pay by the higher Cash or Cheque unit rate - meaning you will lose your discount and your prices will increase. The difference between Direct Debit rates, and rates for customers paying by Cash or Cheque, is set out in your new prices. We will give you seven working days notice before changing your payment method.

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