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Thread: E Cops - Scam Warning

  1. #1
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Post E Cops - Scam Warning

    I have recently joined E-Cops which is run by Cambridgeshire Police and is also linked to the local neighbourhood watch scheme. I wanted to share a notification received today about a scam operating in the Cambridgeshire area and I guess that there is every possibility that it could have or might be spreading to other counties:-

    "Please be aware of a current scam that is being run by fraudsters in the Cambridgeshire area.

    Fraudsters have been cold calling members of the public in the middle of the night, claiming to be from the Police. During the call they state that a criminal has been arrested with a substantial sum of money on them and a list of names and addresses, including those of the person who they have called.

    The 'phoney officer' advises the person on the end of the phone to call their bank using a number on the back of their bank card, or the Police on 101. The victim hangs up but the caller does not and the call is not terminated.
    As a result, without realising it, the victim starts talking to the fraudster again, thinking they have called their bank or the Police. Following a conversation, the offender claims he will need to examine the victims bank card and will also need their PIN number as it might be compromised.

    The caller says he will send a courier to collect the card before a smartly dressed man arrives at the victims home. The card is then taken and the PIN number used to withdraw cash.

    Please be aware that neither banks, nor the Police, will ever ask for personal information, such as a PIN number, over the phone. Your PIN number is personal to you and should never be written down or given to anyone. Likewise your bank card should never be given to anyone who knocks on your door, even if they say they are from the bank.

    If you receive a call such as this, you should hang up immediately and ensure the line has cleared, before ringing an official number, such as the Police or your Bank.

    Any incidents of this nature should be reported to Action Fraud on 0300 1232040."

    Apologies if this has been posted before but I hear that there have been at least 6 very recent victims in Cambridgeshire so wanted to pass on the information to forum members living in the UK.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    Thanks Rosie.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Good info Rosie

    Always amazes me how easily folks can be fooled into giving up such information as PIN etc. Having said that I realise just how trusting many still are. How sad that society loses it's 'goodness' rather than the cheaters facing consequences.

    I didn't say that very well but I'm sure you know what I mean.

    Interesting about the phone and not hanging up etc Must admit I didn't know that. Still don't quite get it even now.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Very informative and useful Rosie, Thank You!

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