Does equal rights exist ?? obviously they should do and do by law, But what about in real life ?

A perfect and simple example is the "door" as a lady the door should be opened or held open for me as is right and proper as this is more courtesy than equality, but also in return I would hold the door open for my husband if he is carrying all the shopping and holding my handbag for me.

With equal rights comes the benefits of the man performing all the traditionally female chores like cleaning, cooking, shopping and of course the dishes but surely in return they would not expect us to start hanging shelves or building sheds to hide out in,... My husband would not let me play with his tool anyways!!
But to balance everything up we will always let the male be responsible for everything including arguments, The rule of thumb here is, If my husband does something wrong and upsets me or causes an argument then naturally he has to apologize but if I do something wrong that upsets my husband, causes and argument or makes him angry, then because he's upset, angry or arguing then I would get upset and if I'm upset then that would go back to rule No. 1 where he has to apologize.

I love equal rights!!


...feel free to shout your views..tnx