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Thread: anyone out there applied or have a success about spouse visa...please help

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  1. #1
    Respected Member allyn's Avatar
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    Unhappy anyone out there applied or have a success about spouse visa...please help

    hi there!!!

    i recently saw this website and got a thread in some part of this website,,,
    well to inroduce our other marriage situation...
    we are newly wed young couple....we got married last march,,,
    my husband is 25 and im 24

    at first we decided to settle here in the philippines but we found out that he cant stay here for a long time continuously, he have to renew his visa every 3months...worst is he cant accept anyjob because of his status(tourist visa)...and whenever we come to an agency they throw us out or reject us because they said they dont accept foreigner applicants

    every thing became so difficult for us,,,from the time he arriave upto the processing of our marriage licence and our wedding, one gave us a hand or gave us information,,,we learn thing in a hard way...
    then before his visa end he went back to his country and look again for a job over there,,,he is a electrical engineer,,and have experience on his field so its not hard for him to find a new job....he did get one,,,and a very nice job
    and then we decided that ill just follow him in his country...
    but processing of papers and knowing information is really hard and frustrating...

    but this website help me get some of the information i need...
    now that my papers is been submitted im still bothered with lots of things including the process of the whole visa thing here in the philippines....
    i used to applied for a visa to uk in hongkong before and it just took 1 day to get the result but here after they got my papers and do my bio metric they told me to go home.... i ask the security guard on whats going to happen next and he said i have to wait for 2 to 4 weeks for their package....

    and that leave me for another 2 to 4 weeks of sleepless nights....

    i love my hubby so much and i know that he love me same way that i be together is really hard not only physically,,,but also emotionally... i saw how my husband got into a very hardtime just to be with me,,,and he didnt ask anything back except a warm hug and kiss,i can say that he is a very faithful, so understanding and loving guy,,,he is quite different from the other young guys on his age ...

    hope somebody out there have been applied for spouse visa...who i can relate to....

    hope to hear from anyone soon....

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    you asked, anyone out there applied or have a success about spouse visa most of the members here had a success story about applying a visa to UK... use the SEARCH to read their stories.

    About bank statements, I've replied to your first thread.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    2 to 4 weeks? is that it? I don't think takes 2 to 3 months that's what the Embassy says on the website and even VFS made that clear too, that's the usual waiting time. You'd be so lucky if you get it in just few days but maybe just divert your attention so the waiting won't be much of a pain. Lately, settlement visas take 10weeks to process because of the Biometric procedure...Don't worry, you're not alone. Me and Pretty_d30 are with you on this. Good luck to us!
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  4. #4
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    hi allyn

    thats correct process times are now so long for a settlement visa

    cynthia and i have been waiting 7 1/2 weeks now (14th june)
    anxiety has come gone come gone come

    just be patient (easy for me to say), will be ok if you have followed the advice of forum members and supplied all requirements requested by the embassy


  5. #5
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5olidsnake View Post
    hi allyn

    thats correct process times are now so long for a settlement visa

    cynthia and i have been waiting 7 1/2 weeks now (14th june)
    anxiety has come gone come gone come

    just be patient (easy for me to say), will be ok if you have followed the advice of forum members and supplied all requirements requested by the embassy

    Hi Martin & Cynthia and Gracy & Trevor and You too Allyn

    Yeah unfortunately what they say is true, yours will probably take 10 weeks now, maybe because of the Biometric Data and a back log of applications from when they stopped accepting applications for a short while. Mine and Anilyn's Fiancee Visa Application took 10 weeks to process, but was approved without Interview Our application consisted of all the standard requirements and even though they say that personal information like love letters are not required legally, they will all add up to a successful result, You have to give your all in making the application, it is not a 6 minute thing and will take hours to prepare and take the Embassy hours to process too. So as long as you have put blood sweat and tears into the application all will be well, Me and Martin can tell you about the stress caused trying too get your loved one over here in England, It is not easy :-(

    Anyway good luck, hope your Fiance did not loose as much hair as I did trying to work it all out, I had the help of My Anilyn anyway so that made it easier

    Good luck to all in the same position as Me and Annie was


    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  6. #6
    Member Missyalice's Avatar
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    Hello Allyn,

    When did you submit your application? We had submitted ours 5th of July 2007. When my partner emailed the embassy they got it on the 10th of July and still processing visa for 11th of May. We have been told to wait for 2 to 3 months processing and not just weeks. Maybe the embassy is quite busy this time as what indicate on their reply. I agree that it might be because of the newly introduce biometric data and new changes on their application procedures thru the VFS which started end of May.

    We are applying for a fiancée visa and children joining with us well. Its nearly 7 weeks now of waiting what gonna happen. But I am confident enough because I am so thankful that I was able to come across to this website before submission of my application and it guides me on what to do. Its really a pain waiting and mixed emotions but its worth waiting and the best thing we have to do now is to be patience and hope and pray that it will be positive. Good if there will be no interview like others here.


  7. #7
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    Spouse Immigration to UK

    My filipina girlfriend lived here in UK illegally for over 10 years. Always hiding from place to place.

    We met 5 years ago. We saw an immigration lawyer on the Legal TV channel.
    We phoned him LIVE on air. We met him. He put in a fantastic petition letter.

    She had to go voluntarily back to Philippines, I went in June we got married in July. August 10th she submitted all the paperwork in UK Embassy in Manila.

    yesterday Sept 27th in the philippines she received a full spouse settlement VISA in the MAIL! she arrives back in UK (legally at last) in 3 weeks time!
    Thank you LORD!

    It took 6 weeks. No need for interview! It normally takes up to 3 months.
    Despite her illegal past in UK she got it!

    You need a GOOD lawyer. email me if you want to know who he is.

    All the best.


  8. #8
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    hi alynn,

    just be patient an don,t lost hope cos i've been through that as well... it's hard of waiting but that's a law need to get visa to come in here... one thing you do is hope and pray that the entry clearance officer te oneget your paper is good one..that you not need to interview... it's that you need to complete all the embassy requrements specially the financial statement of your husband as well as his support letter... cos that what i've done.. thank God i get my visa and no interview... last august 28, 2007. i submitted last july 20, 2007 and i arrive here in england safe and sound last 12th of september... God bless and take care and good luck.. don't lost hope...


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