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Thread: Birth certificate help

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Birth certificate help

    Obviously I need my birth certificate when I go to get married in Philippines next June/July....

    But can anyone clarify that the one with my adopted surname is ok (I was known by a different surname for my first 4 years of life!) I am in the possession of two birth certificates. One is a small one that has no mention of me being adopted but the date of issue was 4 years after my birth (when I was adopted) And the second (A4 size) says certified to be a true copy of of an entry in the adopted children register. This was issued in 2003 when I had an interview that needed a CRB check doing and at that point I didn't have a birth certificate and only found out then that I was adopted!!! My Mum never told me as she is my birth mother and the man who adopted me was her second husband. I have and have never had anything to do with my birth father and have always known my Mums second husband as Dad.
    Anyway my Mum found the smaller birth certificate a few years ago and gave it to me, but like I say they both have my adopted surname, is this likely to cause trouble anywhere along the line? I am not sure if I can get an original birth certificate with my original surname on it. But should I try?

  2. #2
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    Hi Slip,

    I don't know the definitive legally correct answer.

    Personally I wouldn't be too concerned about it though.
    Your birth certificate and all other documentation carries the same name so all is well on that score.
    Yes, you'll need your birth certificate in Philippines for the Marriage Licence but that will be matched against your passport and CNI so really no tricky questions.

    In terms of any immigration laws that UKBA or British Embassy might throw up at you (not usually though) these will only be strictly relating to evidence of your adoptive parents citizenship.

    Just my personal thinking Slip

    Maybe someone else with practical experience will be along and give better advice.

  3. #3
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Slip If I was you i would just produce the latest one and not complicate matters
    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    Obviously I need my birth certificate when I go to get married in Philippines next June/July....

    But can anyone clarify that the one with my adopted surname is ok (I was known by a different surname for my first 4 years of life!) I am in the possession of two birth certificates. One is a small one that has no mention of me being adopted but the date of issue was 4 years after my birth (when I was adopted) And the second (A4 size) says certified to be a true copy of of an entry in the adopted children register. This was issued in 2003 when I had an interview that needed a CRB check doing and at that point I didn't have a birth certificate and only found out then that I was adopted!!! My Mum never told me as she is my birth mother and the man who adopted me was her second husband. I have and have never had anything to do with my birth father and have always known my Mums second husband as Dad.
    Anyway my Mum found the smaller birth certificate a few years ago and gave it to me, but like I say they both have my adopted surname, is this likely to cause trouble anywhere along the line? I am not sure if I can get an original birth certificate with my original surname on it. But should I try?

  4. #4
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    hi, just want to share about my husband name, most likely the same as you what my husband did is to change his name sign by the solicitor..his name before was david hyman gazzano then change to david hyman heller as what he used in his passport and all his documents. when you get married here in phil just present those docs that you said then present also the new one. hope I help you by this , the british embassy is strict to check the documents that you presented based on my experience before. Just follow the name you usedlike in your passport and other important docs...

  5. #5
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone, Think I'll take the advice given and not complicate things and just stick to the name I have on every document

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    Thanks everyone, Think I'll take the advice given and not complicate things and just stick to the name I have on every document

    Good conclusion. In 'officialdom' complications cause confusions.

    PS: Looking forward to those wedding photos
    Last edited by Terpe; 22nd October 2013 at 19:32. Reason: PS added

  7. #7
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    PS: Looking forward to those wedding photos
    Off course... I will most definitely share with the forum... It will be due to the advice given on here that it will go off without a hitch

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