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Thread: Flights to PH (Transition time between flights

  1. #1
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Flights to PH (Transition time between flights

    Hi boys and girls,

    Hope yer all enjoying this rather dull sunday lol.

    i am heading to Manilla in April 2014 to see my girlfriend.

    I have never travelled outside of Europe, so just looking to get some advice.

    i am currently living in London, so I guess London - Manilla would be best.

    I have found a flight in april which seems to fit my schedule, and budget, however the 50min changeover time on the return journey worry me a little.

    Is this really enough time?

    Thank you very much for your help,
    Last edited by Terpe; 20th October 2013 at 17:17. Reason: Link Removed

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    if you are flying with the same airline all the way then its no problem,

  3. #3
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    I've removed the link as strictly speaking you not permitted to post links until you reach minimum 15 posts.
    Posting the link caused your message to get held up in moderation queue. Sorry for the delay and the link removal that but that's the rule.

    It's a tricky question you pose and 50 minutes is a tight connection. However it does (just) meet Cathay Pacific MCT (Minimum Connection Time) unless it got changed recently. Normally these MCT's achievable, but there'll certainly be a push for you. If you have a family, say small children, it may be advisable to rethink the plan. With authorised MCT's CP will take full responsibility to organise and fund alternative flights in the case of any delays leading to missed connection etc. But they will not accept responsibility if the MCT is held/met but you failed to get to the departure gate in time.

    I would strongly suggest to contact the airline to confirm the MCT and the details I've outlined. Better be safe than sorry and airlines often tweak there operational procedures.
    When you check in you'll be checked through to final destination.

    Be aware that Hong Kong is quite a big airport. Even short arrival delays will cut into that 50 minutes.
    It's your personal choice given the facts.

    It's happened to me twice travelling to Japan and luckily the connecting flight was held for us.
    Probably because there was a significant number of us for that connection. But that scenario may not be true for your flight

  4. #4
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    if you are flying with the same airline all the way then its no problem,
    I had a tight link with Etihad... it was connection to Manila.. the plane waited for us all coz there also many others to connect and would have been more hassle for that plane. We left late but all went well. I dont think its a worry but for peace 45-60 mins is a worry still coz we all tend to worry!
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  5. #5
    Member sunset112's Avatar
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    if flying with cathy pacific when you come to end flight and heading out to gates when you reach end of tunnel of the airport from your flight there be people holding up sign for next flight connection if your flight is for boarding so keep eye out and they will escort you done this few times with cathy pacific good airline .but this all depends on take off time and head winds ,

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