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Thread: Citizenship ceremony today

  1. #1
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Citizenship ceremony today

    My wife and step daughter attended their citizenshio ceremony today down in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

    They really cram them in...there was about 50 to 60 people doing their citizenship in one session! What made myself and my wife laugh was that the great majority of them could barely speak enough English to swear the oath. A lot had to be helped along a bit by the staff there. It was painful almost to listen to it, particularly nearly 60 pulling teeth!

    No wonder the government have now changed the rules to include the English test!

    The amusing thing was that my 8 year old step-daughter wanted to say the oath and could easily have done word perfect! She asked us why they coulddn't say it properly!

    Photographs were taken and offered at a super rip off price £10 for one, £20 for two and we paid £27 for 2 photo's and a frame. Didn't realise till after that means the frame was cheaper than the pics!

    After all that hey offered refreshments , tea & coffee or squash and a few rich tea or custard cream biscuits(mine was soft). I guess East sussex spare no expense!

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    Great news and an entertaining post, thank you Lordna

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    wow just the same really in derby too, but its done now, did you clap when the family was presented with there certificate ,

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    free at last from the immigration game

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Firstly many congratulations to your wife and stepdaughter on gaining the coveted British Citizenship.
    I enjoyed your post........pretty much mirrors ours and I suspect many other.

    One thing we laughed at at ours was the folks who elected to swear the oath on the Bible were the most unlikely looking in the whole group.....shouldn't make value judgements I know but that's what we laughed at.

    Both me and more importantly my wife really enjoyed the whole experience and have some wonderful memories and photos......Hope that you and yours will remember the event with pride and fondness

    Well done all ......dare I say nearly there

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