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Thread: The 10 Best wine coolers

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb The 10 Best wine coolers

    Cool your Pinot Grigio or bubbly cheaply, with great style or using the latest in oenological advance - a giant icicle........

    1. Georg Jensen

    It's pricy, but this state-of-the-art stainless-steel wine cooler is as classy, chic and stylish as they come. Designed by Swedish architect Thomas Sandell, it's also timeless and comes in a posh box, which makes it a great present.

    2. Culinary Concepts

    This elegant, leather-handled wine cooler comfortably holds two bottles of wine or champagne, keeping them both perfectly chilled. Great for parties or dinner parties, it looks the part and there's a matching pitcher, ice bucket and flutes, should you want to complete the set.

    3. Dartington

    This elegant glass wine cooler from Dartington is a sophisticated way to keep your wine at the optimum temperature, even when you're at the table. It can also be used as an ice bucket to keep other drinks icy fresh.

    4. Mason Cash

    Mason Cash is best known for its traditional mixing bowls, but its ceramic wine coolers are also impressive and work well in the kitchen or dining room. The terracotta shade gives it a nice rustic look in a natural colour scheme.

    5. Cellardine Flexicles

    Keeping wine boxes chilly has never been easy for those who don't have the luxury of a mammoth fridge. This nifty cooler stays flat-packed in the freezer until required and and actively chills warm three- and four-litre wine boxes within minutes.

    6. Lakeland

    Freeze the wrap to cool white wine or pop it in the microwave for up to 90 seconds before wrapping it around your bottle of red to make it the perfect drinking temperature. Thanks to the Velcro wrap, it's also suitable for champagne bottles.

    7. Barcraft

    Here's a no-nonsense wine cooler that's a simple and inexpensive way of keeping your Pinot Grigio or Chenin Blanc chilled without having to trek back to the fridge every time you want to top up your glass. The double-walled acrylic design is unobtrusive and effective.

    8. Corkcicle

    This revolutionary new concept keeps white wine the perfect temperature and brings reds that are too warm down to cellar temperature. It's ideal if you find traditional wine coolers too bulky. Once used, rinse and pop back in the freezer.

    9. Royal Doulton

    No, this isn't a vase, although you could be forgiven for thinking it is. Crafted from a mix of materials including glass, ceramic and stainless steel, it's part of Royal Doulton's 'Pop in for drinks' range that includes glasses, cocktail utensils and more.

    10. Le Creuset

    Increase the odds of your friends opening the good bottle of wine that you bring them (as opposed to their keeping yours and opening a cheaper one they bought instead) with this transportable cooler sleeve. It works on a variety of bottle shapes and sizes.


  2. #2
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    I've got a couple of those sleeves that you keep in the freezer and then slip over the wine bottle to really cool down the wine or champers.....but that Corkcicle really intrigues me......bit pricey though

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    but that Corkcicle really intrigues me......bit pricey though
    I am happy with the Manhattan Nights Stainless Steel Ice Bucket standard price £7.99 (but i bought mine in a charity shop for £3)...I dont think i will like the Corkcicle , it will probably lost the quality of wine
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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