Hope you get the dates you want.
We have a new person in charge of the holiday forms this year. He sees them first and goes through the rosters to see if it's ok to let someone have them. Then they go through to the Operations manager who signs them off before they go through to the personal manager who files them and adjusts your time left. Normally you hear back in a couple of days at most within a week.
I have had a word with the Man in charge of the rosters and he said I can have 6 weeks off at once next June/July ( I do 4 on 4 off shifts, So I am actually only taking 20 days off) However they wont look at next years holidays until January 1st. There is someone else at work that goes to Philippines for a month or more at a time twice a year, so he said if he is allowed I can't see why I shouldn't allow you. However I don't know what dates for certain I am going yet as I am waiting for my better half to tell me as she isn't sure when she will finish working in Singapore.
I've told her I need to know by 1st January or very latest end of January. As even though my boss will let me have the time off, he can't hold it for me if someone else books my preferred dates first.