Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
Unbelievable the hassle and intrusion that all the scumbag liars and overstayers in recent years have caused for ordinary decent Filipinos wanting a holiday here.

Personally I'd be inclined to send the in-laws some airtickets to the Phils, invest your time and money in your business and lives there, and stick two fingers up at the UKBA until you decide to put your affairs in order to be able to apply for a settlement visa sometime in the future.

Thank goodness the Phils BI haven't adopted 'reciprocal arrangements' !
We would like for my in-laws to be here as well, maybe in the future! But the reason why we have to go there: not only to visit in laws but to sort out Andrew's stuff so he can send them over in the Philippines (his equipments and work tools). He just left there without sorting everything out as he just wanted to visit me and not overstay here for months (dont worry he renews his visa every 2 months ) So even if my in laws are here, Andrew will still have to come back and he doesnt wanna come back without me! My poor asawa! He keeps saying "we're already married and we're supposed to do things together!" thats why I love him so much haha. He thinks it'll be easier if I could help him pack things here and there and help him sell some of his things he wants to get rid of because he cant do it alone!

I dont think we're gonna apply for settlement, my husband doesnt wanna live in the UK anymore So, we're just gonna enjoy sunshine and live happily as much as we can!