I've absolutely no idea why. .because she claims she's being supported by her unemployed husband. ..I suggest you read post 2 again. ..There was no mention of her in laws which makes me suspect they are not the sponsors. ...All who was mentioned was husband and Juvee. ...she'll be about soon Joe. ..you'll be able to ask her
Yes, I showed bank statements and I said I will shoulder my plane ticket through my P100,000 from my savings when I used to work as a virtual assistant as well from what my husband gave to me during the course of our relationship.
I said to my application form that my sponsors were my husband & my parents-in-law. I even mentioned my parents-in-law in section "who will pay for everything if you cant pay for yourself" (something like that) section in the application form, so they should consider their documents as much as they considered Andrew's. I think they're not just convinced that I will come back to the Philippines because of small properties that we have (we're newly-weds, we can't afford the house & lot somewhere even if we want).
They were sponsoring me, based on the application form, cover letters, invitation letter and letter of support from my husband.
I put in the application form that they will be the one for my accommodation & food, whilst I'll do my plane ticket with my P100,000 savings and then my lil petty cash as well. my husband will have £4k to be able to support us for misc expenses as well as he mentioned he will work part-time whilst in the UK to be able to shoulder some other expenses we might have.
I only put my "husband" as the one supporting me on monthly basis because I said that my income was "N/A" because I am a fulltime housewife. (this is on the financial section about income as such).
But for the trip to UK (who will sponsor you) this is where my parents-in-law come in. I will post screenshot of my application form so you guys will know what I am talking about. Haha
It says there #47. "You stated that you are supported by a spouse/family member.. please give details: Supported by my spouse - Andrew ..."
#60: "Who will pay for your travel in the UK?": Myself (based from P100,000 cash savings I got which I answered at #63: "What is the cost to you personally of your stay in the UK?" : Plane Ticket & Pocket Money from P100,000 savings.
#61: "Who will pay for your expenses such as accommodation & food? : Spouse and my Parents-in-law"
So based on this form alone, my husband & my parents in law are technically my sponsors.. that's why they submitted their documents such as bank statements, invitation letter, and utility bills to prove that they can host me.
Oh Juvee. ...I really hope it works out for you all. ...you are right. .definitely says that your in law's are sponsoring you. ..although form is different to what I filled out. .mine was consisting of numerous pages and pages.
Fingers crossed over here for you
Thank you gwapito! Thats why we emailed them asking for explanations including why my parents-in-law's documents were not even mentioned or if they even considered it in first place as they werent mentioned in the refusal letter!
They make some crazy decisions at times. You have to look at the case workers as though they are kids and explain everything as simple as you can. Just keep at it and ask them what further evidence they want from you.
You've probably given too much information Juvee!![]()
First time applicant here, so lesson learned.![]()
Hi Anvee
Sorry for the bother but while reading your posts I have seen that you have written and get a reply from the ECM.
Hello jhen, welcome here to Filipino UK
There's a number of ECM's at Manila Hub.
Unless you have a specific name you may just address your communication to 'The ECM'
Or to one of the other managers.
See post #12 for address, e-mail and telephone details
Hope that helps.
thank you anvee for the reply.we did email the vfs today and enquire.my husband said that we should give them a chance to explain what is going on before we write to the ECM OR ANY UKVI OFFICERS.
Again;Thank you for your kind reply.It is well appreciated
I would suggest you to send them an email (Sir Peter provided the infos already) explaining that they might have misunderstood your application from a visit visa to settlement, another point that you have got to address that both of you havent got any intention to stay in the UK permanently since your husband is settled and happy in the philippines. By pointing to them that you have properties in the Philippines and providing invitation letter form your in-laws might help prove that you have no intention to stay permannently in the UK and only coming to visit and will return to the Philippines on or before the visa expires.
All you can do is point to them that you have provided documents that would cover all the reasons they said on the refusal letter. Ask or request for a review of your application and if possible you can address that you want your money back for your visa re-application. Appeal will take donkeys years so better to re-apply.
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