The racehorse owning, champagne swigging socialist has trousered another couple of million with his new book. Here's the video of the interview which I reckon he'd rather not have had

good bit around the 5 minute mark where Snow has him squirming about his relationship with the press and him banning the BBC for 7 years following their revelations about his dodgy son.

He's bang out of order criticising Keano - a player I loathed but who was a key part in much of Man Utds success

Anyhow good on Ferguson as a Director of the club he sees nothing wrong in destabilising them

Just added bits from the Mail

Not many interviewers leave Sir Alex Ferguson rattled but Channel 4 presenter Jon Snow gave the former Manchester United manager a going over. Ferguson, who launched his book My Autobiography on Tuesday, was left squirming on occasion as Snow quizzed him on matters ranging from his agent son Jason, his feud with the BBC, his 'Stalinist' regime at Old Trafford. But it was a question concerning his political beliefs and working for the Glazers which got Ferguson most worked up. Snow asked how he squared his left-of-centre, Labour-supporting stance with working for the Americans whom he claimed the ex-United boss had called 'rampant capitalists'.

Forget the man from the factory floor... this is Fergie from the land of prawn sandwiches

The devil was always in the detail. Now he resides in the lack of it. Page 145, lines 11 to 19, for those that wish to know about the mount that changed English football history.

‘Rock of Gibraltar was a wonderful horse,’ Sir Alex Ferguson begins, ‘a misunderstanding on both sides’, he concludes, all of 93 words later.

And therein the circumstances of Ferguson’s football club, Manchester United, change forever.
Without the fissure over horseflesh between United’s manager and its biggest shareholders, Cubic Expression, otherwise known as the Coolmore Stud, it is unlikely that the club falls into the hands of the Glazer family.

No Glazers, no debt. No debt, bigger transfer budgets. Bigger transfer budgets, well you know the rest.

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