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Thread: contradictions

  1. #1
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    this is very frustrating and getting my blood pressure on its highest all time record.

    i was informed friday by the operator on the embassy that the eco's are now processing applications submitted on sept 3. called this morning and i was informed aug 29! how are they doing it, backwards?

    according to the other lady my local checks had been done and when i asked how it went she happily said "ok naman po". today the lady said we have not received the report, or if we have its not on the system!

    this is just so frustrating and i am so tired of being frustrated! now my head feels lika an elephant sat on it thinking why they cant have the same information!!!! why? why? why?

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    welcome to the philippines lol

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If you phone me up and ask a'll get a different answer to the same question if you call back in an hour This is beacuse:
    a) We can't be answering stupid questions....that is the British way
    b) Depends on the level of alcohol consumed
    c) Depends on how many drugs have been taken
    d) All 3 above.....this is usually the correct one
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hi, Eula ? yes the process can be frustrating, many of us listening to your rants, will sympathise with you, after all, you would not be the first person to have criticisms to make about the process of applying for UK entry clearance, I have a mammoth rant from 2005 if you want to hear it, but I doubt you would...a certain ECO was a monumental cretin...but thats in the past.

    British Embassy ECO's are civil servants, they come from the Foreign and Commonwealth office, they move about as fast as my poorly departed Grandmother, some of them are kids in their 20's upwardly mobile high fliers, or so they think !

    My advice to you is to stop calling them about decisions and processing, if you keep calling them, (you are known to them as a screamer) and just leave the application to run its course...local checks can mean almost anything and invariably does.

    I admit its a nailbiting time for you right now, because like all of us, you have a desire to get the visa as quickly as possible and get on with the life ahead, if you just get on with your life as it is, and leave the application to run its natural course, very often you find that its soon back in your hands with a positive decision.

    Its not easy to do I will grant you, but try for the sake of your own sanity, most of us all agree, that when we look back at this time, it rather becomes a blip in your life...that hardly is worth mentioning, I know in due course, you will view it the same way...

    Best of luck...

  5. #5
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    Since I am the "worrier" between me and my hsuband, I called the embassy yesterday. Of course, I did as well today, boy am i not interested on my application. Let me just say that all the calls i have made i have only spoken to filipino operators/telephonists or whatever they are called in the embassy. Anyway, the nice lady asked for my details (they dont most times, unless you offer which is a bot strange) and this is how the conversation went"

    ME: Good morning miss
    OPT: Good morning
    ME: I would just like to ask which applications are being processed now
    OPT: Your date of birth pls?
    ME: xx/xx/xx
    OPT: May i have your last name please?
    ME: Mackay
    OPT: Mam, theres no decision yet.
    ME: Oh, what about the local checks that was mentioned to me last week?
    OPT: Mam, okay na po. (Its ok mam)
    ME: So tapos na yun (so its finished then?)
    OPT: Yes mam.
    ME: Which applications are being dealt it at the mo?
    OPT: Mam those ones sebmitted 3rd of Sept.
    ME: Ok miss thank you very much.
    OPT: Okay mam. Just call us if theres anything else we couls assist you with
    **Hung up. Note that this was yesterday. SInce i was pleased the local checks which they claim could last as long as 6 weeks i decided to go out and have a few drinks last nights with some of my mates. It must have been a few cause i didnt cuddle muy pillow until 3am. Lol.

    OPT: Hello. Visa. (Hmm..wonder if she was trained to answer the phone)
    ME: Good morning. Just want to enquire re.......
    OPT: Birthdate and surname pls....
    ME: This , that and the other
    OPT: Not being processed yet as those ones submitted aug 29 are being dealt with
    ME: Oh
    OPT: And still waiting on the result of local checks.
    ME: OH....thats a bits strange as the lasy i spoke to yday said local check is finished.
    OPT: Oh, maybe she has the report. Im only using the computer and the bit on the local check is blank meaning no result yet.
    ME: Okay. Thanks!
    OPT: Hung up. Never mind good manners.

    This is really doing my heading. as my husband just recently pointed out its just a matter of a few days difference. point taken but can you blame me for being pissed off? yesterday my local check was sorted and today its a damn different story. i need my peace of mind and at the moment its sitting on a desk in makati!

    by the way peter we were granted a certificate of approval in the uk so i really had to come back here to apply for wife settlement visa. now that took almost 3 months! im just really hoping that they would consider that we already have proven in the home office that our relationship is genuine otherwise we wold have not been granted the COA.

    i am not promising i will not call tom but i will try not to. i will try to be more patient. but if i can stay on the line the whole day i will until they say to me "your visa had been issued and you can now get on with your life. you will finally be able to live with your husband in one country thus there will be no need to either of you to travel every month. you soon may be able to work and there will be no more need to watch the paint dry. please pick up your passport and make sure you dont get mugged on your way to the carpark otherwise yo will need to reapply. if that should be the case, please make sure you check on the website in case there will be any change in processing fee's as this seems to be a regular occurance!"


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    If you phone me up and ask a'll get a different answer to the same question if you call back in an hour This is beacuse:
    a) We can't be answering stupid questions....that is the British way
    b) Depends on the level of alcohol consumed
    c) Depends on how many drugs have been taken
    d) All 3 above.....this is usually the correct one
    Thank GOD I only call everyday, if not every other day

  7. #7
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    im sorry to hear that eula im not wondering you and your husband so mad and pissed off for that long visa processing but keep your finger cross your visa will be coming soon.when i was your staged of waiting 2weeks of waiting my visa but within 2weeks of waiting my husband was really mad everyday phoned and texting me asking how's the application goes even my sister in law phoned me goshh im like crazy i don't know what im gonna say to them. anyway,keep on praying eula that your visa is coming soon

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes local checks is what they told my wife, but after near 3 months i had enough , i was messed around by different people, they were on a course, on holiday, etc... i emailed every manager on the embassy website, asking whats going on, why is it a different person replies, and then they are gone !. same day i got a email back from a british manager, that he forwarded to another one, saying it looked like i was having some problems, and could he sort it, and within hours my wife got told to pick her visas and passports up..

    but i'm not sure i would do that again, the email was polite, but i listed every one who emailed me, and why i felt i had been messed around.

    but you've only been waiting 6wks? well your 6wks nearer an answer, and at least 1/2 way to it , hold on lady

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    In the old days it could take 9 months...these days ya don't know how lucky you are
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hi Eula,

    by the way peter we were granted a certificate of approval in the uk so i really had to come back here to apply for wife settlement visa. now that took almost 3 months! im just really hoping that they would consider that we already have proven in the home office that our relationship is genuine otherwise we wold have not been granted the COA.
    I appreciate you had a cert of approval in UK, but sadly the system does seem to prejudice those couples who met in UK, which means you have to go back to your own country to apply ? admittedly, its a Keith has quite rightly pointed out, the system is so much quicker than it was 3 years ago,

    In the old days it could take 9 months...these days ya don't know how lucky you are
    Again whilst we might sympathise with your predicament, Eula, you will have to take your wait in line like everyone else, you should be used to that in your country and being fobbed off, I am still waiting for the land title to my property, (correction, I am still waiting for the land title for the property that isnt mine !)

    Its only been 1 year, but we do live in hope !, maybe one day we will see it, but at the moment,

    <Conversation beween a British Citizen and a Filipino citizen>

    "Good morning, can you tell me what has happened to our title of land?"









    (Grinning like a cheshire cat) "SIR IT IS BEING PROCESSED"

    (Looks of bewilderment and total lack of cognitive recognition)

    Dont worry Eula...just remember...its your Philippines ! everything has its own might get done today, then again, it might not, who is to say ? we are hoping and praying for you, Im sure there is nothing to worry about....its worse for you as you have been in UK, I can really sympathise with you....

  11. #11
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    peter, good thing it was only the lawyer not the LAW that is on vacation. lol.

    i appreciate that it is much faster now compared to the "old days" and i honestly am thankful for that. 5 weeks and a bit im waiting but subconciously i know im hoping to hear soon cause ive read on recent posts that they receive their visas in 6 weeks. but hey, the sun does not shine everyday. at this point in time all i could do as i have previously mention on another post is pray and hope.

    im a bit calmer now. luckily the stress has not strained our marriage. obviously there would be the odd days but i am very blessed to have a husband who does not have pride running through his blood.

    i look forward to each day as it brings new hope. another chance to go to church (sta.clara) and do my novena and submit my petition. another day filled with love and faith that my husband and i could finally live as man and wife very very very soon.

    and hopefully in the very near future i can start a thread titled
    "visa granted".

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    In the old days it could take 9 months...these days ya don't know how lucky you are
    i do know how lucky i was, i was married nearly 2yrs before i applied for a spouse visa for her , how i miss those care free days , 2 pc's at home, and 2 tv's and i cannot watch or use any of them

  13. #13
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    Nothing to worry about really, My wife and myself did go through that phase.... Local checks....etc.... Load of bunkum....
    But canna grumble....
    I fired a couple of mails direct to the visa section, just to mention a couple of inconsistencies, and bingo......
    Someone got fed up with the full in-tray and gave up...
    Read the mails from the last of the post, to the top of the page.

    Good luck, it won't be long.

    Dom & Jet

    Dear Mr. xxxxx

    Thank you for writing to us.

    The information that we gave from our email of 20 Aug. 2007 was definitely correct. To date, the Officer has decided to issue the visa of your wife.

    Yours sincerely,

    Correspondence Section | Visa Section| British Embassy Manila | 15/F Locsin Building | 6752 Ayala Avenue | Makati City 1226 | Metro Manila | Philippines | email: |telephone: +63 2 580 8700 | fax:+63 2 8102745| , | Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 0800-1645 | Friday 0800-1300
    • You can lodge visa applications through our application centre | address: Phil-Axa Building, 2501-02,1286 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Corner Tindalo Street, Makati City, Manila | Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 0900-1700 | Applications accepted: Mon-Fri 0800-1500| | email:
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    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: 25 August 2007 00:14
    To: Manila Visa Enquiries
    Subject: RE: Mrs. BRIGET

    Dear Sir/Madam
    While chatting to my wife this past friday morning (GMT), I decided to phone the Embassy in Manila, it was done on the spur of the moment in the hope that I could give my wife some good news about our application.
    I was told that they were still carrying out "local checks".
    I am really sorry to bother you, but this answer seems to contrast with your last mail, and I am writing in search of some reassurances.
    We are both growing increasingly worried and anxious about it.
    I was hoping for my wife to join me here, in the Uk, during the summer months, so that she could have anbiented herself gradually to the weather.
    if you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact me directly.
    Yours faithfully
    D xxxxxxx

    Subject: RE: Mrs. BRIGET Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 07:16:03 +0100

    Dear Mr.xxxxxx

    Thank you for writing to us.

    We now have the result of the check that we carried out, and has been forwarded to the Officer concerned for further process.
    Yours sincerely
    Correspondence Section | Visa Section| British Embassy Manila | 15/F Locsin Building | 6752 Ayala Avenue | Makati City 1226 | Metro Manila | Philippines | email: |telephone: +63 2 580 8700 | fax:+63 2 8102745| , | Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 0800-1645 | Friday 0800-1300
    • You can lodge visa applications through our application centre | address: Phil-Axa Building, 2501-02,1286 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Corner Tindalo Street, Makati City, Manila | Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 0900-1700 | Applications accepted: Mon-Fri 0800-1500| | email:
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    -----Original Message-----
    From: xxxxxxx
    Sent: 17 August 2007 07:00
    To: Manila Visa Enquiries
    Subject: RE: Mrs. BRIGET

    Thanks for your reply.
    I am growing increasingly worried by the day. And my wife is extremely anxious.
    I would appreciate if someone could keep me informed on how the application is proceeding, as I read on some internet forum, that it doesn't normally take this long. I do understand that we are dealing with an EEA Family permit, so the rules that apply will be slightly different from a Settlement Visa.
    But I am running out of words how to explain to my wife the long delay.
    Please help.
    yours faithfully
    D xxxxxxxx

    Subject: RE: Mrs. BRIGET
    Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 05:03:40 +0100

    Dear Mr. xxxxxx

    Thank you for your email of 27 July 2007.

    We have carried out a local check on Ms. xxxxxxx's visa application and still waiting for its result before the Entry Clearance Officer can make a decision.
    Yours sincerely
    • Correspondence Section | Visa Section| British Embassy Manila | 15/F Locsin Building | 6752 Ayala Avenue | Makati City 1226 | Metro Manila | Philippines | email: |telephone: +63 2 580 8700 | fax:+63 2 8102745| , | Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 0800-1645 | Friday 0800-1300
      You can lodge visa applications through our application centre | address: Phil-Axa Building, 2501-02,1286 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Corner Tindalo Street, Makati City, Manila | Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 0900-1700 | Applications accepted: Mon-Fri 0800-1500| | email:
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    -----Original Message-----
    From: xxxxxxxx[]
    Sent: 27 July 2007 04:03
    To: Manila Visa Enquiries
    Subject: Mrs. BRIGET

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Recently, on the 4th of July 2007, my wife applied for the issue of a EEA Family Permit to enable her to join me in the United Kingdom.
    I would immensely appreciate, if you could keep me up to date with the progress of the application. so that I may be able to reassure her that everything is alright and soon we will be together again.
    I would not ask, but the Passport tracking link, on the VFS website is no longer available, for some reason.
    I thanks you in advance.
    Yours faithfully
    D. xxxxxxxx

  14. #14
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    You see Aromulus's e mails, you can see the amount of crap and spin this lot at the embassy put on things, it was better when it used to be a public service, now its being run as a business, wait until you get back to UK, the visa fees for FLR and ILR and Naturalization have shot up....

    As the others have said, bare with them, I am sure you will have nothing to worry about, you have to remember its all in days work for them, I know each and every one of us, is the most important person in our life, but to them, we are all just an inconvenience...a number to put it bluntly.

    Start a thread when you get your visa...we will all jump on board and will congratulate you..

    I will be saying "TOLD YOU SO !!!"

    Anyway, I am off to watch WOWOWEE !!!!

  15. #15
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Anyway, I am off to watch WOWOWEE !!!!
    Try not to trample anyone to death

  16. #16
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    i really feel so much better this morning. maraming salamat.

    while waiting for my i have decided to write a post regarding eating out in manila. i love dining out. from carinderia to fine dining i just really love it.

    i have decided to let go of my obsession with the embassy. its not doing me any good. therefor i shall soon talk about something that i enjoy and that is FOOD!

  17. #17
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eula mackay View Post
    i really feel so much better this morning. maraming salamat.

    while waiting for my i have decided to write a post regarding eating out in manila. i love dining out. from carinderia to fine dining i just really love it.

    i have decided to let go of my obsession with the embassy. its not doing me any good. therefor i shall soon talk about something that i enjoy and that is FOOD!
    hahahha thats good eula but mind your figure

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