Usually when it comes to age gaps, i would say that when a guy is older .. i often have a serious of thoughts...


the way i am thinking now, and it's a new view of mine ... if a guy is just out of puberty ... probably not marriage material ... especially if the lady is old enough to have a MAN not a BOY!

u want kids? great, get a MAN and a woman together and have your kids ...

not some kid...

to everyone here ... i admire you older men, and i really want to look to you as mentors, especially as you know more about life than i do. I admit, at 25, i still got a lot of growing and learning to do . . .'s taken me to the age of 25 to get here.

anyway, this is angry and disappointed message .. . i hope u can make something of my disjointed thoughts,
as im sure u can gather, im writing thru my tears because i have just been hit emotionally by some boy who should be a man, and i really don't want to be like him

i cry because i mourn for this guy and manhood and i pray i can be different
i am also angry coz i wanna smash someone's face in now