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Thread: Need advice regarding cfo sticker

  1. #1
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    Need advice regarding cfo sticker

    Hi my son and i just recently obtain our eea family permit to join my husband in uk...i thought everything is ok until we are told that we need to get a cfo sticker? Is this really necessary?my husband is an irish citizen who lives in the uk

    Our flight will be on the 3rd of october...
    Just want to know what are the documents needed in applying the cfo sticker and where is the fastest way to apply for it?

    I also want to know if there will be a problem on my documents when applying a cfo sticker since my passport and visa is under my maiden name?

    P.S. Thank you for those people who will reply

  2. #2
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    Yes, strictly speaking you must have CFO sticker for yourself and your son to avoid potential refusal to leave at the airport.

    Some folks will tell you it's not absolutely necessary.....but that's just not correct.

    To secure the CFO passport 'sticker' you'll need to attend the seminar and receive said certificate. Your son may be exempt from attending the Counselling Session if under 12 years old, but he is still required to register with the CFO (even by proxy)

    You'd be well advised to contact CFO immediately to secure all needed informations etc. Be prepared to spend time there before your flight.
    In your case time is now of the essence.

    Here's a start for your understanding (please DO take time to read - important stuff to help you)

    Just click these links:-

    For Filipinos leaving the country with immigrant VISA

    Fiancee, Spouses and Other Partners of Foreign Nationals

    Good luck

    Let us know how it goes

  3. #3
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    hi kandyhazel-welcome, would like to contact with you, when you're not too busy, can send me message thru my yahoo mail

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kandyhazel View Post

    Our flight will be on the 3rd of october...
    ... Hi, Hazel; to our friendly forum. Hopefully, by the time you read this greeting, you'll have overcome the CFO palaver and you and your son will have arrived safely in the United Kingdom.

  5. #5
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    Apologies to those who have read what I have to say but it may be useful for some others.

    When attending the Seminar you may be asked some questions which you do not know the answers to. Just bear in mind that the person asking the question only knows what they may have read on your personal papers, so they know nothing about your ‘new family’. Thus you can say anything. Example, if asked the name of the school your ‘husband’ last attended just make it up. Same with his mother’s maiden name, etc.

    And as you say your husband is Irish but living in UK. When my wife attended she went to the one for Spain, as she was coming to live here. But when she said her husband was British she had to return later and attend the one for UK. When we went for the CFO Sticker, they asked why she had attended for UK when she was coming to Spain. Fortunately I had a copy of an email from CFO saying what she had done was correct.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kandyhazel View Post
    Hi my son and i just recently obtain our eea family permit to join my husband in uk...i thought everything is ok until we are told that we need to get a cfo sticker? Is this really necessary?my husband is an irish citizen who lives in the uk

    Our flight will be on the 3rd of october...
    Just want to know what are the documents needed in applying the cfo sticker and where is the fastest way to apply for it?

    I also want to know if there will be a problem on my documents when applying a cfo sticker since my passport and visa is under my maiden name?

    P.S. Thank you for those people who will reply
    welcome to the forum, sorry i read this late ...did u manage to get cfo sticker in the Philippine Airport?
    hope u leave us some update soon..thanks
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  7. #7
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    Hi everyone just want to thank all the people who reponded on my post..

    Luckily went I went to get my cfo sticker there were no problem at all..i attended the seminar and pay the fees in one day they have given me the cfo sticker witch is attach to my passport and my sons passport..we are now living in the uk together with my husband..

    Thank youeveryone for your help

    Now the next step that i need to do is to apply for an eea2 or residential permit before my eea family permit expires

  8. #8
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    Hi everyone just want to thank all the people who responded on my post..

    Luckily went I went to get my cfo sticker there were no problem at all..i attended the seminar and pay the fees in one day they have given me the cfo sticker which is attach to my passport and my sons passport..we are now living in the uk together with my husband..

    Thank youeveryone for your help

    Now the next step that i need to do is to apply for an eea2 or residential permit before my eea family permit expires

  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kandyhazel View Post
    Hi everyone just want to thank all the people who responded on my post..

    Luckily went I went to get my cfo sticker there were no problem at all..i attended the seminar and pay the fees in one day they have given me the cfo sticker which is attach to my passport and my sons passport..we are now living in the uk together with my husband..

    Thank youeveryone for your help

    Now the next step that i need to do is to apply for an eea2 or residential permit before my eea family permit expires
    woowww thanks for the update and welcome to the UK.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kandyhazel View Post
    Hi everyone just want to thank all the people who reponded on my post..

    Luckily went I went to get my cfo sticker there were no problem at all..i attended the seminar and pay the fees in one day they have given me the cfo sticker witch is attach to my passport and my sons passport..we are now living in the uk together with my husband..

    Thank youeveryone for your help

    Now the next step that i need to do is to apply for an eea2 or residential permit before my eea family permit expires
    Hi Kandyhazel,

    Very glad everything got sorted out so smoothly well done

    Congratulations on making that long journey to UK and settling down with your husband. It's going to be a memorable Christmastime for sure.

    We all really appreciate that you took the time to update us here.Thank you.

    In connection with your Residence Card, you may apply for this at any time. Better sooner than later. The Family Permit is solely a one-use UK entry clearance. Despite the fact that it indicates an expiry date this is only an indicator on the validity of time allowed before UK entry. The Family Permit actually has no expiry once you are here in UK. Even you did not apply for your residence card you would still be eligible to remain here in UK legally and would not be considered TNT

    Application for the EEA2 Residence Card is not mandatory, as I've said you can remain in UK but I would strongly suggest you apply asap. You will find the card invaluable as a means of proving your immigration status, especially when seeking employment, medical treatment and when travelling in/out of the UK.
    After 5 years you will be eligible for your Permanent Residence Card. After 1 year with PR you'll be eligible for British Citizenship.
    Being the holder of these cards will greater assist all future applications to UKBA

  11. #11
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thank you for the additional information regarding the eea2..

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