Although the Philippines does not fall into the category of countries “ where healthcare is largely publicly funded ” it appears to me that they ENCOURAGE health tourism. This includes procedures such as surgery ( cosmetic, weight loss, eye and orthopaedic ), dermatology and dentistry. They’re said to be aiming for $ 2 billion by 2015 ( ).
• Many British “ tourists “ now travel abroad, including the Philippines, for such purposes.
• For procedures where there is NHS entitlement that SAVES money for our NHS, and reduces waiting lists.
• For anyone considering this, the advice I’ve given before still applies.
• Do your research into the clinic / hospital, including language used / communication / costs.
• Have a full consultation with the doctor or dentist.
• Consider aftercare such as corrective treatment.
• Consider travel risks such as air travel after surgery.
• Many insurers won't cover planned treatment abroad.
It may well be that the UK is a net exporter of patients.
Not only that, but the number of foreigners coming here with the intention of using the NHS – and paying – may well outstrip the number estimated to be misusing the service ( ).
For personal reasons, I “ tightened my belt “ several years ago , and, like every other member, I’m happy to contribute to the Forum for nothing!