That's a big ask.....maybe too big
It's a nice idea, but it's too complicated.imho
In general, ECO's are instructed to refuse an applicant who does not meet the requirements of the Immigration Rules.
There may be numerous reasons for being non compliant on any specific rule, maybe too many to list here.
In any requirement where you cannot clearly show compliance then the application will fall for refusal.
Here's a reminder of the really key issues:-
- you and your partner are both aged 18 or over at the date of application
- your partner is not related to you in a way that means you could not marry in UK law
- you and your partner have met in person
- your relationship with your partner is genuine and subsisting
- you must be seeking entry to the UK to allow your marriage or civil partnership to take place
- any previous relationship has permanently broken down. Where the applicant and/or their partner has previously been married or in a civil partnership, the applicant must provide evidence that the previous marriage or civil partnership has ended.
- you and your partner intend to live together permanently in the UK
- you meet the financial requirement
- you meet the English language requirement
- you meet the suitability requirements
You must be fully compliant and you must submit documentary evidence in line with UKBA requirements.
Anything wich is not fully compliant or raises doubts in the mind of the ECO will fall for refusal.
It's often problematic to prove an 'intention' but if the ECO feels comfortable with the overall application and relationship they will often accept this as an indicator of good intention.
Sorry, I can't offer anything more than that.
There's no magic formula, everyones circumstances and individual application is different.