Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
I certainly do blame labour for not managing our economy and monitoring the banks,for all the crazy mass immigration,for creating more benefits than ever before,for selling off our gold reserves at a knock down price,for creating a culture of sod it no need to work lets claim benifits,for two crazy wars,and based on all that the public agreed-they got rid of the pitiful shower
Unfortunately as I said before due to labour we now have to pay back all we owe and the general public whom many have no interest in politics do not see the bigger picture and will probably vote Labour and then we really will be in the .... even more
i see you will not take my bet

what about thatcher and the economy record unemployment sold everything off

what did the tories do about monitoring banks ?? Micheal foot wanted to monitor the banks and people laughed at him, how right he was , what did the tory press call his manifesto the longest suicide note in history

don't you remember the yuppies and the greed that thatcher brought ??