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Thread: Changes to document requirements

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Post Changes to document requirements

    12 November 2013

    From 28 October 2013 if you are applying by post for extension of stay, indefinite leave to remain or British citizenship on the following forms, you no longer need to provide an original passport from the British or settled person supporting your application - a photocopy of their passport or travel document can be provided instead.

    Applying for extension of stay or indefinite leave to remain

    Forms FLR(M), SET(M) and SET(F)
    fiancé(e) of a British citizen or settled person;
    civil partner or proposed civil partner of a British citizen or settled person;
    spouse of a British citizen or settled person;
    unmarried partner of a British citizen or settled person;
    same sex partner of a British citizen or settled person; or
    child or other dependant relative of a British citizen or settled person.

    Applying for British citizenship

    Forms AN and MN1
    spouse of a British citizen;
    civil partner of a British citizen;
    child of a British citizen parent.

    The photocopy must include all pages of the passport, including any blank pages, and we will verify it with other government departments in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We may request the original document at any time during the application process, and the application will be refused if you do not comply.

    You must still submit your own original passport or travel document as part of your application.


  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i wonder if it's because they have had complaints from British Citizens needing their passports back for work etc because its taken the HO sooooo long to process some apps.

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