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Thread: UPDATED: List of Approved English Language Tests

  1. #1
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    UPDATED: List of Approved English Language Tests

    Please refer to this link for the updated list of approved English language tests from 18 October 2013.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  2. #2
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Hi my wife took her IELTS test in May this year she has her certificate and has a B2 pass 5.5 on that scale.
    I just read here Quote" For tests taken on or
    after 6 April 2013: no
    documents required
    (Scores must be verified
    using the Cambridge
    English online system
    using name, date of birth
    and passport number)."

    What does this mean? My wife did not have passport at the time.

    Many thanks

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  3. #3
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    I think you'll need to contact UKBA about that one John

  4. #4
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Hi Terpe. I hope some one has an answer. I have suddenly seen this post after my love passed in May, not sure what to do, her test is legal with IELTS etc just need to know what thsi verification is.
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
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  5. #5
    Member Bon@23's Avatar
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    hi there, I'm planning to take the english test in a few months. I checked the IELTS page I'm just wondering if its the Academic i should take and if the general training literally means training before the test? How do I apply for the test, should it be by call or i should fill up the application form i saw on the page and submit it?
    sorry for a lot of questions.. lol

    Will wait for the response.. thanks everyone

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bon@23 View Post
    hi there, I'm planning to take the english test in a few months. I checked the IELTS page I'm just wondering if its the Academic i should take and if the general training literally means training before the test? How do I apply for the test, should it be by call or i should fill up the application form i saw on the page and submit it?
    sorry for a lot of questions.. lol

    Will wait for the response.. thanks everyone
    Hi Bon,

    Please click on this link to the UKBA webpage called English language requirement

    Also here is the link to the UKBA approved listing of English Tests

    You'll notice that there's quite a selection of different English tests available to you.
    You are by no means limited to the IELTS test

    The UKBA site states that:-
    "In the test, you will need to demonstrate a basic command of English (speaking and listening) at level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference.
    Someone assessed at level A1 can understand and use simple, everyday expressions and very basic phrases.
    You will not need to demonstrate reading, writing or grammar skills.

    Plenty of forum members have taken a TOEIC test which is done by Hopkins.
    Many members have also taken IELTS
    Do be aware that IELTS is a slightly higher level (B1) so if you're not confident with your English that might be quite a stretch.
    Solely for meeting the UKBA requirement for your visa application you do not need to undertake any special training.

    Many of the test centres can certainly accommodate review classes for those whose self-confidence needs a little boost.

    Bon, take a look at the right hand column called 'Contact Details'. Here you'll see websites and/or details of test centres.
    Many folks try to find one that's close to where they live rather than making special travel to Manila.

    Anyway, please take some time to review the links and don't be shy to ask any questions.
    Plenty of friendly folks here will share their own experiences with you to ensure you get the needed papers.

  7. #7
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    Hi, my wife did the TOEIC Test. She had to fly to Manila from Cebu in Dec last year to do this UKBA-approved test. She scored almost perfect as she is a TESOL teacher, and this test was enough to gain entry clearance. Is this test and certificate enough for FLR? I'm sure it was a higher standard than a lot of these others that were taken at the time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by STEVENJAG View Post
    Hi, my wife did the TOEIC Test. She had to fly to Manila from Cebu in Dec last year to do this UKBA approved test. She scored almost perfect as she is a TESOL teacher, and this test was enough to gain entry clearance. Is this test and certificate enough for FLR? I'm sure it was a higher standard than a lot of these others that were taken at the time.
    Why didn't your wife take the test at the Test Centre in Cebu?

  9. #9
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    Sorry I was mixed up with her x rays in Manilla. Yes, she did it in Cebu and got top scores.

  10. #10
    Member Bon@23's Avatar
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    Will check the links and contact details, thanks Terpe
    Btw my fiance earns 25k a month, how much savings do we still need to have before we can apply for a visa?

    Thanks again ...

  11. #11
    Member Bon@23's Avatar
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    Sorry about the first reply, it should be annually. My Baba's income is 25k annually and we didn't find any savings requirements for people with annual income of above 18k. Is that right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bon@23 View Post
    sorry about the first reply, it should be annually. My Baba's income is 25k annually and we didn't find any savings requirements for people with annual income of above 18k. Is that right?

    If the appropriate income levels can be reached then no savings are required.

  13. #13
    Member Bon@23's Avatar
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    We got it right then, thanks Terpe

  14. #14
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    I am trying to familiarise myself with fiancee visa.

    I have no idea about the English Test about what to do, where to do it, how and when.

    I tried looking at the website of Hopkins and there is a policy that "Registration for events is made available three months prior to the event.(See Calendar of Events)"

    What does it mean? I have to register now and I have to wait three months before I do the English Test? If so, is there any test which I won't be needing to wait for months?

    Another question, what is CFO?

  15. #15
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    Hi, I took IELTS back in 2012, you will just register and get a slot at IDP in Makati or British Council in Pasig. Both companies are ok.

    They're doing it every week so schedules will be fine. Both Academic and General Training modules are ok, as stated in the UKBA guide.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Hello, I have seen that TOEIC of Hopkins (5,500 both listening and writing) is a lot cheaper than IELTS (Php8,986). IELTS also give you the score after 13 calendar days. hmm, how about toeic? How many days before I can see the result?

    Now I am filling out the form in Hopkins and I am unsure with the "Organization" field

  17. #17
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    Hello, I have seen that TOEIC of Hopkins (5,500 both listening and writing) is a lot cheaper than IELTS (Php8,986). IELTS also give you the score after 13 calendar days. hmm, how about toeic? How many days before I can see the result?

    Now I am filling out the form in Hopkins and I am unsure with the "Organization" field
    The requirement for a fiancee/settlement visa is Speaking & Listening. I'm not really sure if TOEIC has that specific two tests together or not. You need to check with TOEIC about those tests.

    In IELTS, you have to take all 4 categories (Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading), that's why it costs more.
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  18. #18
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Hello! I just registered for TOEIC and will have my test on 26th of Feb for Listening and Reading, and Speking only test.

    Thank you for your help guys!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    Hello! I just registered for TOEIC and will have my test on 26th of Feb for Listening and Reading, and Speking only test.

    Thank you for your help guys!
    You don't need to be concerned about the score of the reading test as UKBA only count the scores for Speaking and Listening.

  20. #20
    Member JenBoo's Avatar
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    Hello Jentobeharrison... Did you pay online for the TOEIC exam? May I ask for the link where you registered for the exam? Thank you
    by the way how was the exam? and how many days before you get the result? Thanks again!

  21. #21
    Respected Member Anakin's Avatar
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    Hi can anyone help me with this query please? Terpe was always hot on this stuff.
    I'm due to apply for my wife's SET(M) early next year. We've sorted the life in the UK test, but I hadn't realised we still have to submit a language test certificate. When we were granted the FLR(M) visa I submitted an ESOL certificate which was suitable for that application, and which I still have.
    I'm slightly baffled by current requirements and would like to know if the University of Cambridge ESOL Examination - Cambridge ESOL Entry Level Certificate in ESOL International (Entry 2) is still applicable? She achieved Council of Europe Level A2. This came under the PET (Preliminary English Test).

    Any help appreciated. This all feels a bit odd to me as she can speak English better than I can now!

  22. #22
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    For ILR (and naturalisation) the requirement is now B1 level.

  23. #23
    Respected Member Anakin's Avatar
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    Ok thanks very much Terpe

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