Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
I agree rosie in our jobs we see everything however I think some on here live in their own little world.
I can assure you I live and see the real world. ...being a regular Tesco customer I donate to these many food banks. ...I know there are many wasters amongst then but also I would hope a great deal more genuine deserving folks as well. ...tesco also donates to womens shelters etc. ...I don't judge anybody. ..not my place to. ..I also see the beggars with their dogs outside the metros in city centres. ..They beg and plead. ...what do they do. ..They wait until they have enough to buy booze. ..This is what I see. ....like Steve, im not tarring all with the same brush.
For a few. ...unemployment is a choice. ..like I said earlier today. ...you have to start somewhere. ..taking a job what you are not happy with is a start. ..I did it. ...forget the grand qualifications. .If there's nothing doing lower your expectations and build up. This is what serious folks do if they really want to work. ...