Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
what some of would call skint others would not, i am lucky i know but i make my own luck too, there are some people i know well who earn very little they have families and they get some sort of benefits too, but i dont know which ones, but here comes the problems to me, they have the best phones, paying silly money for there contracts, drive around in better cars then i have , have all the sky channels you can throw a stick at and smoke like chimneys, yes its there life and they can do what they want too, but they complain about they never have enough money to buy food and pay the gas and electric,
Not everyone is the same i know and i am not tarring everyone with the same brush either, just these few idiots
That's a good point Steve. Too many people try to keep up with the Jones' thus making a rod for their own backs. If they had better money management skills and lived within their means they wouldn't be in the position they're in. I just feel sorry for the ones who go out to work and live frugally and are still struggling.