Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
Well put Rosie.....

According to a report on our local radio station, those providers of welfare benefits/payments have also sent folks to food banks out of sheer frustration with the 'system' they're supposed to work with.

Last week groups of children from the local primary school went about the village with baskets of food for the elderly as part of the harvest festival activities.
Some of the teachers were so shocked at what they found in a few cases that Adult Social Care were immediately contacted and it was they who organised additional 3-day 'packs' from local food banks for some.
Seems even the neighbours had no idea. Sign of the times I guess.

On the positive side a neighbourhood group has been formed with the aim to ensure that at least twice weekly visits will be made to the vunerable elderly. Not all of whom are living alone.
It made me feel ashamed, especially having been a carer for my dad and knowing just how difficult simple things can become.

I've joined the group, but not been asked to make any visits just yet.
Maybe that will come as some volunteers drop out.

What a sad tale, but unfortunately an all too familiar one. A lot of that generation are too proud to ask, the total opposite to a lot of the scum today who hold their hand out whether they need it or not