Quite right Graham, we do have a system you describe. Sadly it's not always as simple as it should be and this adds to the already existing, but preventable, problems in the welfare system.
FareShare is a national charity dedicated to fighting food poverty and food waste.
Tesco has committed to provide an annual 7 million meals (equivalent) to the hundreds of charities FareShare works with by diverting all surplus fresh food from its distribution centres and online grocery centres to support the charity.
Of course the fact that there are more and more foodbanks means more and more people using. No doubt there's cheating too, but there is a real and genuine need that's not being met by the welfare system for all sorts of reasons.
Anyone who has been in hospital for a time, say for a major operation, may easily find that after being discharged their benefits have been stopped or delayed.
There needs to be a proper investigation as to why we, a highly developed society, have such issues. It's not all down to scroungers and cheaters