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Thread: Marriage or Fiance Visa

  1. #31
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    Hi everybody
    I`m after some advice....
    I`ll be going back to phil in feb to apply for a fiancee visa with my fiancee.
    Then we plan to get married in phil in may.
    There are lots of posts here where people get fiancee visa and then get married in UK but nothing like our plans.
    I wonder if this is possible or should we marry in phil first and then apply for spouse visa?
    I`ve already booked my flight in feb and i can`t change that and of course i want to be with my fiancee when she applies for visa.
    This is our preferred way to do it but i wonder if anyone has advice on whether its acceptable or not?
    So you plan to get finace visa then both fly back to the uk then two months later fly back to the phill to get married sounds logical enough but i would check if possible. Like eula says it may confuse passport control if your married when you enter on a finace visa. also maybe problems with proving your married as the NSO certificate takes a while to come though.

    I would do some serious checking that this will not cause a problem somewhere along the line.

    Personally I would go along the get married in phill and apply for spouse visa. It may take longer but less likely to cause possible problems.

    That or get finacee visa have registry wedding here then sort paperwork for flr. Then go back to phill for a blessing so your now wifes family can celebrate in style.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    Hi everybody
    I`m after some advice....
    I`ll be going back to phil in feb to apply for a fiancee visa with my fiancee.
    Then we plan to get married in phil in may.
    There are lots of posts here where people get fiancee visa and then get married in UK but nothing like our plans.
    I wonder if this is possible or should we marry in phil first and then apply for spouse visa?
    I`ve already booked my flight in feb and i can`t change that and of course i want to be with my fiancee when she applies for visa.
    This is our preferred way to do it but i wonder if anyone has advice on whether its acceptable or not?
    Hi 'adam&chryss'
    My wife and I really did want to marry in Davao, get the spouse visa then jump on a plane back to the UK. It does not work like that. we could not bear the thought of getting married then being seperated for weeks or months before Gemma got her visa.
    We applied March 5th 2007 for the fiancee visa and she got it on the april 23rd 2007.
    We will be having a blessing this coming year in Davao.
    Gemma has made a number of fillipina friends here in Swindon and some married in the Phillippines last year, they all had to wait a number of months before they got their visas, Im not saying thats the case for everybody but we and her family did'nt want to take that chance on our future happiness.
    Imagine having a wonderful wedding then getting on a plane a few days or weeks down the line on your own!! not knowing when you will see your beloved again? sorry, it was'nt for us.
    Good luck Adam and Chryss, we hope it all works out for you both

  3. #33
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    i have heard about people who got spouse visa after 8 days (one member of this forum actually lol)

    when mar and i wed in the phils, i plan to stay there for 3months
    hopefully then, she can come back with me to the UK


  4. #34
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hi adam & chryss,

    like some of our friends replied here, it is better that u decide wot kind of visa do u really want..

    let take it this way, if u want to get married here in the Philippines on May 2008 its ok so ur fiancee's family and relatives can attend the occassion and then after preparing all the documents like the Marriage cert., passport ammendment and other things u can apply for a SPOUSE VISA..

    but if u decided to get in the UK, u have to be sure u already book the wedding day in ur registry since it is one of the requiements on the FIANCEE VISA..

    like in my case, we applied for my FIANCEE VISA last September 27, 2007 and after almost 6 weeks it was granted..We decided to get married there in the UK first because his dad is old enough to travel then maybe next year, GOD's will we will be having our Philippine marriage so all of my family and friends can attend the occassion..

    so its up to u whatever kind of visa u think is appropriate in ur situation. Just make sure u followed all the documents needed and prepared everything, I am sure there will be no problem and ur fiancee can get her visa the soonest possible time..

    Goodluck and GOD Bless..


  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    i have heard about people who got spouse visa after 8 days (one member of this forum actually lol)

    when mar and i wed in the phils, i plan to stay there for 3months
    hopefully then, she can come back with me to the UK

    Obtaining a visa within 8 days from application is feasible, just matter of luck and lack of applicants before yours is processed.

    The only hitch that I see is the waiting time for the Marriage Certificate to be returned from the NSO.
    If you don't follow up it can take a life time.

    We waited 4 months just for that, our misfortune was that lots of government employees were drafted in to help for the Elections, and lots of public buildings were turned into polling stations.

    Good luck

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    i have heard about people who got spouse visa after 8 days (one member of this forum actually lol)

    when mar and i wed in the phils, i plan to stay there for 3months
    hopefully then, she can come back with me to the UK

    I wish you luck LOL

  7. #37
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    thank you

  8. #38
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    i read on pete's website that someone had to wait for 13 months to get their visa!
    i wonder why it was that long of a wait?

  9. #39
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    maybe tom, some of the docs arent processed properly..or there's some docs u havent submitted yet..especially if u have annulment cases or divorce.

  10. #40
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    ahhhh ... i am glad i don't need to worry about anulment or divorce
    and my friend who got the 8 day visa said that her husband literally was on the phone for hours so he could fill every detail of the paperwork in properly!
    hey mommi, u have started calling me tommi! have u disowned your "son"?? lol!


  11. #41
    andypaul's Avatar
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    In the past like Dom mentions the amount of time to process the paperwork and apply for a visa can vary. Both due to Phill events and british events.

    You could plan everything like we did down to the last detail and the Embassy will change the way the application is handled. It worked in out advantage but meant it cost us more money and if i had not been able to send paperwork out at a moment notice may have caused a delay.

    The waiting time used to be on the website it was one of my first qs on here why it was so high, but at other times it was a matter of a few weeks.

    So make sure your flexible and not dependant on things happening smoothly.

  12. #42
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    well I guess we're lucky on that part too, because I am still single and Clive's divorce absolute was done already since 2002..

    of course not my only begotten son...he he he he

  13. #43
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    hehe, after reading pete's website, i budgeted on about 6 months waiting time, then i talked to many who got their visas a LOT sooner ... like arom's wife - 7 weeks, Louella and Iain- 5 weeks, and Wynna - 8 days ... but i plan to be there for about 3 months - if i can - whilst ladystarfish and i get married so i hope by that time the visa department will have been convinced that she deserves a visa and we can share a plane home to our new life

    i am flexible

    coz i know, no matter what, mar and i will spend forever together and that's what matters


  14. #44
    andypaul's Avatar
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    You may need to ensure the stamp visa in the visa is for a date within 28 days of mars arrival afterwise you will have an flr to pay for in two years my experience and what i read they normally stamp it on the day it is given which maybe a couple of days before its in your hands. If a later date is required stress in both cover letter and application. Flr and the ilr may rise further remeber its was free just a few years ago

  15. #45
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    Tom, if you will take with you all the documents which are needed I think Mar can go with you when you will be back in the UK. Usually you can get your marriage certificate from the NSO about a month, then Mar can have her CFO seminar. She can get her passport within a week then you can lodge your application. Like mine I got my visa 4 weeks and 4 days. So if you stay here for 3 months, if Mar's visa will be granted for a month you can fly together then back to UK.

  16. #46
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    To all Filipinas who are on a Fiancee Visa please get married before you get pregnant. If he says no to marriage say no to sex. Dont get the wrong idea that just because you are pregnant the UK government will let you stay here. It raises the question why did you not get married in the first place as this seem to be the intention of being granted a Fiancee Visa. There are too many Filipina that are left on their own to go back home and struggle bringing up a child borne out of wedlock.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by joyce View Post
    Tom, if you will take with you all the documents which are needed I think Mar can go with you when you will be back in the UK. Usually you can get your marriage certificate from the NSO about a month, then Mar can have her CFO seminar. She can get her passport within a week then you can lodge your application. Like mine I got my visa 4 weeks and 4 days. So if you stay here for 3 months, if Mar's visa will be granted for a month you can fly together then back to UK.
    wow thanks joyce
    u made my day yay

  18. #48
    andypaul's Avatar
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    But Tom if your cover letter is the same length as the total of all your posts in an avg day on here then it may take the eco a few days longer to read and digest it.

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