Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
what a good idea, think about it first, well you are the expert on the NHS (ambulance workshops and the state of the NHS)

so I'll ask you how many babies has she delivered then

I'll help you out

my misses spent 2 months working in that hospital during her clerkship, she said she delivered about 15 babies a day, so it is possible that as a senior nurse could have delivered 25 babies a shift.

25 * 5 = 125 a week,
48 working wks a year = 6,000
6,000 * 28yrs = 168,000 after all its the world's busiest maternity hospital

as for trolling, your the only one who questioned her estimate, after all as Marco said she was pushed for a figure.

Pointless discussing it with you isn't it Joe, because you always think you're right Did your misses actually deliver 15 babies a day or did she assist in the delivery

Tell me, how did you get your status as a moderator, when all you do is troll and antagonise

Tell you what, why not try moderating for once and just concede that she may have exaggerated a bit, try to bear in mind that this debate over figures was being discussed before the programme was aired AND before any one of us knew she was being pushed for a figure.