Thats a distinct possibility

I will be disapointed not to finish 4th (not over yet) but as i said before and like what happened to arsenal,Liverpool etc you have to rebuild and forgo trophies for a while
It is a shocker at the speed at which we have surrended our power but again the cracks were there last season and The great sir Alex knew that.
We have some awful players and that need to go in the summer,and then lets see how we can build next season.
i think we will be back up there but never to the domination of the last 20 years which no team-even Liverpool never achieved
As a Man utd fan tho i have to say that one of the most exciting,attacking teams to watch is Bloody Liverpool and do i not like that lol
Just being honest,but how can we stop city-so much money that they can just buy anyone they choose