The GCC is no paradise and scratch the surface of many of the countries and some of the mind set is still in the desert, however the countries are largely different to the poorer Arab countries such as Algeria, Egypt, Syria etc.
There have been efforts throughout the region to ensure the safety and conditions for Domestic Helpers are maintained. Places such as the UAE and Oman are far ahead with this and prosecution of locals who try to circumvent the law takes place regularly. They also regularly deport overseas workers, many of whom are from the Philippines, who try to enter the country on visit visas in the hope of finding employment bypassing the safety measures that the GCC countries and the Philippines have established to ensure that Domestic Helpers are properly registered.
I think change is happening here, although slower in some countries such as Saudi Arabia. But wealth and education is having an effect, and hopefully the countries will change for the better long before the oil and gas reserves are depleted.