Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
I've been working full time and paying full national insurance contributions for the past 37 years ...... I will be working for at least another 11 years but according to the state pensions calculator, I already have enough years to qualify for the full basic state pension ....... of, wait for it ........ £110.15 per week (I assume I may qualify for the additional state pension based on contributions but have no idea how much that would be at the moment and no doubt it's not much anyway).

When the flat rate pension is introduced in 2016 I believe I will qualify for the maximum amount of £150 per week. Seems such a pittance in comparison to what I have actually paid in over the years .......... I guess there are many millions of others like me too.

All I can say is thank goodness that I have an occupational pension scheme too, I wouldn't be able to live on the state pension alone

Same here Rosie...Although I plan to carry on after 'retirement', be it on a part-time basis....that's if I still enjoy it I've never been one to do nothing