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Thread: We're married! Now what visa do we apply for?

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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    We're married! Now what visa do we apply for?

    Hi all,

    Me and wife just recently got married a few days ago. My wife came on a fiancée visa and we still have 35 days before this visa runs out.

    We're a bit confused as to what visa we should now be applying for. We should apply for a spouse visa right? This is the same as a settlement visa right?

    In terms of requirements, we're confident we have all the necessary specifics (financial, living arrangement, etc) however the only question I have is with to the English test. My wife took an IELTS exam to apply for the fiance visa which she took in August 2011 - would this still be valid for this purpose of a new visa? Or would she need to take a new test for the application.

    Any help much appreciated.


  2. #2
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    Hi Tim,

    Congratulations on getting married
    Best wishes for the future.

    As for next steps on your immigration journey, your wife now needs to submit her application for Further Leave to Remain using form FLR(M)
    It's now known as 'Extension Of Stay In The UK as a Partner of a person present and settled in the UK'
    This form also includes her application for her Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)

    Here's a link to the form FLR(M)

    Here's a link to the FLR(M) Guidance

    BTW, FLR is not the same as settlement. It's further leave under immigration controls/restrictions
    Technically settlement is ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) where most immigration restrictions are removed.

    She can use her existing English Language test certificate provided:-

    1. It's still valid and not expired
    2. The test provider is still on the current list of UKBA approved tests.

    Here's a link to the UKBA approved English Language test.

    Have a read of the forms and links and ask any specific questions you need help with.

    You have only 35 days before the fiancee visa validity expires. Means you really need to put a wiggle on and get the FLR(M) submitted presto presto.

    DO NOT allow the fiancee visa to expire before UKBA is in receipt of the FLR(M) application AND also the payment.

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks for the information Terpe. This makes sense now.

    Am I right in believing that we can submit the same (although updated) documents as with the fiance visa? Are there any extra documents that I would need to submit as part of the FLR?

    I heard that we would need to submit a utility bill under her name as proof she has been living with me - is that true? The problem I have is that all the utility bills are currently under my name as I moved in before she arrived in the country. To get a bill under her name means I have to close down an account and restart under her name, which to me doesn't sound very practical. Any advise on this?

    My fiance has just had to retake her English test as the one she had previous had just expired. We should get the result this week.


  4. #4
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    You'll just need to come up with whatever documents they demand...even if that involves a bit of inconvenience to you.

    It's easy enough to rearrange a utility account (or set up a new one).

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Is a utility bill required though for the purpose of the FLR?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bij View Post
    Is a utility bill required though for the purpose of the FLR?

    hi! when i apply my FLR, i dont have any name yet in any bills though i just submitted my NHS registered card which i used my husband surename in there and our marriage contract. hope it helps

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