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Thread: Father mauled by family's American bulldog

  1. #1
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    Father mauled by family's American bulldog

    Father mauled by family's American bulldog... a year after he gave it a second chance despite attacking his own SON

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    I haven't got an ounce of sympathy for this moron - a shame the devil dog didn't chomp right through his arm. There is no reason whatsoever for these type of dogs to be kept as pets.

  2. #2
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    Totally agree Dedworth.

    In most cases the dog's brain is bigger than the owner's.

    This evening's news....a girl has been killed in her own home by the 'family pet'.

    When will this madness end ?

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it's not the dog fault, its the idiot owners fault for having a dangerous dog as a pet

  4. #4
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    Just don't leave small kids alone with dogs EVER !

    Especially dogs recently acquired, as in this case.

    Damned fools. I'd jail them for stupidity.

  5. #5
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    he gave it another chance somehow I don,t its going to be 3rd time lucky ,clearly the dog is a physco and needs terminated right away .lots of dogs get bad press about being dangerous but dogs are pack animals and are taught by their leader ,and lots of irrisponsible humans teach the dogs bad habbits and turn the dogs nasty.Thats why pitbulls are drug dealers favorite toys they make the dealers look manly and hard and teach the dogs to be aggresive .but the american pitbull is bred to be nasty in the first place and does,nt take a lot to wind them up.staffordshire bull terriers are one of the most loyalist dogs and kid friendly on the planet yet according to the R.S.P. C.A they are the number one most dumped dogs in the u.k because the lowlifes that buy these dogs can,t even look after themselves let alone a dog.

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