I've noticed nowhere near as much attention as I thought there would be. I've looked out for it to notice, I don't think wifey has though.
Had the occasional hard stare from much older women, and I'm sure I know exactly what they're thinking.
Very occasionally I've had a knowing smile from other guys my own age or younger. Only near hostile response I've noticed or cared about was some middle aged guy driving past in a car park, making some sort of immature "yah yah" noise. Wasn't some chav either, it was "Mondeo Man", you know the sort - hard to describe bit wide faced, slightly slack jawed but looks after himself, you just know he will be a manager in sales, or owns his own window company etc. His wife tends to be a carbon copy, dripping in jewellery, bingo wings but not really fat as such.

They can think what they want frankly. I got the jackpot (We all did on here huh), and as for any older people taking the huff because I'm not with some sour faced bag, well I'm sure they are comfortable with the fruits of the taxes my wife is paying contributing towards this country a damned sight more than either of us take out