Quote Originally Posted by mike_steve View Post
My partner is fully employed as an Operation Manager for how many years and he is qualified for the UKBA financial requirements but he has new plumbing business partnerships that will be open 2 weeks from now. They are 3 partners on the said business. What are the documents that he needs to provide for my Proposed Civil Partnership Visa application?
So now he is self-employed. Means a whole new approach to meeting the UKBA Financial Requirement.
The best thing is that he must review the complete requirements for self-employed.
It's not diffilcult, but it can be complex and needs care to ensure that ONLY taxable income is declared and that it meets the threshold.
It's imperitive he reads through the needed documentation.

Looks like he may not be in position to apply for some time to come.
But without fully understanding his position it's impossible to advise.
He may well be best advised to seek the support of an experienced advisor.