I would not advise ANYONE to “ share “ or give their medicine, whatever it is, to other people even if their condition appears to be the same .

Out of date medicines should not be used, or kept. Sildenafil, like other medicines, declines in effectiveness with time. Ideally they should be taken to a local pharmacy who will dispose of them in the correct manner.

Medicines rarely if ever have ONE action. They have “ side effects “, which may be common, uncommon, expected, or unexpected. They may also interact with other medicines, and may not be safe to take with certain medical conditions, or at a given age. The prescribed dose, and duration of treatment is especially important with certain drugs such as antibiotics.

As “ Viagra “ lost its UK patent in June this year, reliable generic makers of sildenafil should sell it relatively cheaply in any case, saving the NHS and those who choose to purchase it on private prescription.

Although at least 2 million men were prescribed “ Viagra “ in the UK last year, there IS a long list of possible cautions and contra-indications. These include patients with heart disease, previous stroke, and patients on various other drugs.

Relatively common side effects include indigestion, nausea, vomiting, headache (including migraine), dizziness, muscle pain, back pain, and visual disturbances. Less common effects include painful red eyes, palpitation, tachycardia, hypotension, hypertension, and nose bleed. There are other more rare side-effects. Serious “ cardiovascular events “ have also been reported.

This is neither to cause alarm, nor pass judgement, merely to advise caution !