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Thread: Applying for ILR.

  1. #1
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Applying for ILR.

    Hi everyone,i'm back again after a break from the site since my wife arrived last June 2012.
    I think its time to start thinking about applying for her ILR,although I think she doesn't need to apply until next May (2014) at least.
    it appears she has to take the English language test AGAIN,i mean she took it in the Philippines in order to get her visa,so why should she have to take it again,if it was good enough to get her into the country surely its good enough full stop.(ESOL LEVEL A1) I believe she got.not the highest grade but she passed,so why have to take it again,could it be just another way to get MORE money from people.
    does anyone know if theres a test centre in Northern Ireland,and if so where? and which form does she need to apply for" indefinite leave to remain?" where do we find it? i hate the UKBA website. does she have to travel to England to take the test? surely not! how much will it cost,for the English language/life in the UK test, and the ILR application.? money,money,money,theres no end to it.
    oh,yes,apparently she applies under the "old' rules,where can I find these please,and does that mean she still has to do the English language test/exam & life in the UK TEST? and does that mean theres also an "old" cost/price,.? I suspect not.shes only just started work finally,after searching for a job for over a year,is there a specified amount she needs to be earning,and/or have in savings? (under the old rules)
    theres a lot of questions there I know,and i'm sure i'l have some more to ask as time goes on.
    thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    Hello there briancol,
    Hope you don't mind but I deleted your 2 other posts as they were just duplicates of this one.
    Much better all round to have our lovely folks give their comments on one post rather than creating multiple sources.

    Anyway.... you can find the ILR SET(M) Application Form here
    (just click the link)

    And the Guide can be found here

    It's good that you decided to research now ahead of time as there's plenty of documentations and tests to prepare for.

    Yes, your wife will be dealt with under 'old rules' (means the same immigration rules apply now as when she first applied to come to UK)
    The really important aspects for her (and you) are that there are no strict financial requirements to meet and she can apply for settlement (ILR) after 24 months living in UK as a spouse. (under new rules it's 5 years)

    Concerning the English Test, I'm afraid there's no getting around that. Also the Life in UK Test.
    You wife needs to pass Life in UK test AND
    level B1 English test in order to apply for ILR

    There are plenty of test centres for different test all around UK

    Just for example, for NI there's an IELTS test centre in Belfast at:-

    Queen's University Belfast
    Next Test Date: 10-Oct-2013
    Queen's University Belfast
    IELTS Administrator
    The Language Centre
    The McClay Library, 10 College Park
    BT7 1LP

    Tel: 02890 976 178
    Fax: 44 28 90 975379

    Test Fee: GBP 130.00
    Test dates are, 10-Oct-2013, 21-Nov-2013, 12-Dec-2013

    I just posted that as an example so at least you know there's a test centre in NI

    You best bet is to review the UKBA approved English Test listing here
    and look under the Right hand column (contact details) and look for details of test centres or e-mail contacts.

    Hope that helps.

    Yes, you're sure to have lots more questions to ask once you've reviewed the application form and guide.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Hi Brian, Life in the UK test £50 and IELTS English test £135!

  4. #4
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Day light robbery.

    Thanks for the info Terpe. & for deleting those other messages i entered in the wrong place, i couldn't find how to delete them myself.
    Does the Language test & the UK life test be held in the same centre,at the same time? and does she have to go to "classes" or just get a date and turn up for the test/exam, and if my wife does the tests, say, this year are they still valid next May/June?
    I hate all this stuff, its a lot of worry & hassle.
    oh, does she need to send for an ILR application form or does she apply online,? Terpe I just read over that application form,what a lot of requirements,i don't have letters or bills in our joint names,and I dumped most of the job application letters she got over the past year,not realising she needed them as evidence. after reading that application form I had a few more questions to ask but I cant remember them now,(theres so much stuff on there). isn't there a booklet we can buy with info on the Life in the UK requirements? (i'm sick of this already).

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Life in the UK, indefinite, IELTS 2 years. if you do IELTS anytime now it will be valid for the ILR and also British citizenship one year after ILR. My wife is applying for her ILR May 2014!

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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    ...Does the Language test & the UK life test be held in the same centre,at the same time? and does she have to go to "classes" or just get a date and turn up for the test/exam, and if my wife does the tests, say, this year are they still valid next May/June?
    As a first step take a look here to learn about Life in the UK Test
    This page tells you how to Prepare for the test

    And this tells you all about Booking the test

    It's not normally held in the same centre at the same time. However it's possible that she could choose to attend combined English language (ESOL) and citizenship classes.
    Details of this are outlined in the link above. It's a personal choice. Actually that may suit her better from a timing aspect.
    I would suggest your wife starts studying for the Life In UK test asap at home.
    She can take the test as many times as she needs (bit like the driving test) but she must eventually secure a pass certificate to be eligible for ILR
    The pass certificate has no expiry.
    The test is computer based so she'll need to be comfortable working with computers.

    Here's a website that might be useful for you as it relates specifically to Northern Ireland-

    Citizenship Materials for ESOL learners in Northern Ireland

    One way or another you must buy the official book 'Life in the UK Test 2013'

    AS far as I know there are two test centres in Northern Ireland:-
    - People 1st , Suite 1, Ormeau House, 91–97 Ormeau Rd, Belfast. Tel: 02890 875875
    - STEP 2 Coalisland Rd, Dungannon Co. Tyrone. Tel: 028 8772 9002

    I'm not sure of the cost in NI but in UK it's £50

    As for the English language test at B1 level, just do what I suggested in my previous post to find a test centre and she can just turn up on the day and take the test.
    Again she can take as many as she needs as long as she get a pass certificate.
    Please do consider the ESOL course I mentioned above if her English is not too good or if she lacks some confidence and needs a boost.
    The pass certificate will usually be valid for 2 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    ...oh,does she need to send for an ILR application form or does she apply online,? Terpe I just read over that application form,what a lot of requirements,i don't have letters or bills in our joint names,and I dumped most of the job application letters she got over the past year,not realising she needed them as evidence. after reading that application form I had a few more questions to ask but I cant remember them now,(theres so much stuff on there).
    As it stand now she'll apply by paper form application.
    Yes, quite some requirements, but it's important to secure the needed required documents spread over the 2 year period. Make no mistake this is important stuff and MUST be complied with.

    You should begin collecting the stuff right away. Change any utility bills you can.
    Keep all correspondence, tax stuff etc, bank letters and so on.
    Somehow she must prove she's been living with you at the same address. Period

  7. #7
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Just had a quick look at the life in the UK test website. "what you need to know" I don't know most of that stuff myself and i'm born & bred here.

  8. #8
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Could someone please tell me if my wife can use her passport which is still in her maiden name for the IELTS test/exam ID ? and will the ILR people accept it since shes applying for ILR in her married name,.?
    Also can someone tell me what is ESOL & IELTS,i mean I mean,is the test ESOL or IELTS? ive no idea thank goodness I don't have to take these tests?exams.
    my wife is not confident about passing so what if she has to try a few times and her 2 years is up,she cant apply for ILR without the test results,so what happens if she doesn't apply for ILR after 2 years? Thanks.
    Last edited by briancol; 16th September 2013 at 17:35. Reason: added another question.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    Could someone please tell me if my wife can use her passport which is still in her maiden name for the IELTS test/exam ID ? and will the ILR people accept it since shes applying for ILR in her married name,.?
    Yes she can use her passport.
    The ILR Application Form requires the name as shown in your passport and additionally any other names you are known by. So no worries on that.

    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    Also can someone tell me what is ESOL & IELTS,i mean I mean,is the test ESOL or IELTS? ive no idea thank goodness I don't have to take these tests?exams.
    There are a number of different English Language tests available and acceptable to UKBA. IELTS is just one of them. (International English Language Testing System) Most probably the most widely available and with testing centres in your area. Don't forget she only needs to pass at Speaking and Listening modules.
    She can take the test as many times as she needs....UKBA only require a pass certificate.
    ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
    Can be either a stand-alone English Test or, most often, combined with a Citizenship Course to cover Life in UK Test)
    For English language only she'll need ESOL Skills for Life Entry 3.
    You'll need to contact the organisers to get more information and find out how and when to enrol on an ESOL + Citizenship course if you think that might be better.
    here's the link I gave you before:-
    Citizenship Materials for ESOL learners in Northern Ireland

    You really need to make some contact to the links I've provided here and in my post #6 so that you'll get the best information and options as it relates to Northern Ireland.
    If your wife is not so confident maybe she be better to do the ESOL + Citizenship course.

    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post wife is not confident about passing so what if she has to try a few times and her 2 years is up,she cant apply for ILR without the test results,so what happens if she doesn't apply for ILR after 2 years? Thanks.
    Well, better to maintain a positive outlook and do whatever you can to help her secure the Test results she needs with the time she has left. However, in the worst case scenario that she just doesn't have the needed pass certificates the she'll need to apply for another FLR(M) period and tick the box that indicates she needs FLR in order to secure qualifications for English language and of Life in the UK. So no worries on that one either. Just deep pockets.

  10. #10
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    I just phoned the test centre on the Ormeau rd,the receptionist told me that if my wife books the test before the middle of October she can take the Life in the UK & the English Language test together but after the middle of October they will have to be be done separately.maybe she'd be better doing them separately.anyway,we're just waiting for the "3" Life in the UK,eg,books to arrive from Amazon. God willing she will pass,.
    just one more thing,is Citizenship & life in the UK the same thing?

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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    ............just one more thing,is Citizenship & life in the UK the same thing?
    In what way?
    In terms of educational courses yes, a citizenship course includes Life in UK which is needed for both settlement and Naturalisation (British Citizenship)

  12. #12
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Terpe I mean is Citizenship just another name for life in the UK,?

    we have looked at the ID required to take the test. she needs her p/port & another form of ID with her postcode,only thing she can get is a bank statement and her p/port,except the p/ports in her maiden name & Bank account is in her married name,which they wont accept,they need to be in the same name.looking at the Philippine Embassy in London website it says to change to her married name she has to apply for a new p/port which requires a personal appearance at the Embassy,surely they don't expect her to fly to London.her p/port is NOT the electronic one,NO chip.anyone any ideas about that? thanks.

  13. #13
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Any Filipinos in N Ireland renew/change to married name on their P/Port through the Embassy in London, how does it work please?

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    Brian, as far as I understand it the applicant needs one Photographic ID (eg passport)
    and one proof of address.
    If she does not have any proof of address with a name that matches her passport then she should use her marriage certificate as proof of name change. I would have though that would satisfy the ID issue when combined with a passport.
    Please check on that.

    Better to resolve locally than going through the effort, time and cost of a new passport.

    Just my 2 centavos worth

    PS: Does she have anything from the Home Office/UKBA with name and address?

  15. #15
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    nothing from home office,or ukba since she got here.the last thing she got from UKBA was her visa.
    I phoned the number on the website where she has to register before applying for the life in the UK test,he said it needs to be a UK marriage certificate,Philippine one was no good.

    Problems,problems,problems. to get a /Port in her married name my wife would have to fly to London to make a personal appearance so they can do the Biometric stuff. that means time off work,a return flight there, a hotel overnight,plus taxi fares around London. then we though she could get a Provisional Driving License for ID,more problems there,she needs photographs for it which need to be authenteciated by a "professional" who has known her for at least 2 years,problem is shes only been in the UK for 15 months. so we have run out of options.all she can get is a bank statement for proof of address but has no Valid foto ID.
    Last edited by briancol; 17th September 2013 at 15:58. Reason: Update

  16. #16
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    JUST TO LET YOU KNOW,MY WIFES "LIFE IN THE uk" TEST HAS BEEN BOOKED ALREADY.for next month.God is on our side.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    JUST TO LET YOU KNOW,MY WIFES "LIFE IN THE uk" TEST HAS BEEN BOOKED ALREADY.for next month.God is on our side.
    Well done Brian, I'm sure everything will come together ok!

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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    JUST TO LET YOU KNOW,MY WIFES "LIFE IN THE uk" TEST HAS BEEN BOOKED ALREADY.for next month.God is on our side.
    Brian, I do feel for you both. What a stressful situation.
    As far as I know the Philippine Embassy in Dublin is no longer operating. It's not a good situation for you folks in NI that's for sure.

    Looks like you got things in hand ...... so very well done for that
    There's plenty of sample tests on the internet, even here on the forum we do have some sample tests.....just make a quick search.
    She just needs to practice practice practice sample questions and have a good memory. The questions are multiple choice....which is a help in jogging the memory. She can take as many as she needs so she mustn't feel under pressure.

    In terms of ID for address, can she get another bank account in her maiden name ?

    Stay in touch and let us know how things go.

  19. #19
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    There is a consular service in Dublin, Ireland on 26 to 27 October 2013 if you want to go somewhere nearer.
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    Also, regarding provisional driving license, does she know anyone (even Filipinas) or friends with for at least 2 years that is living in the UK? I applied my provisional driving license a few months ago and have got it even if I haven't been in the UK for 2 years. A Filipina friend (a careworker) who I know for 3 years and lives here in the UK signed my photo. They accepted it and my provisional driving license was sent to me 2 weeks after I sent the application.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  21. #21
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    Also, regarding provisional driving license, does she know anyone (even Filipinas) or friends with for at least 2 years that is living in the UK? I applied my provisional driving license a few months ago and have got it even if I haven't been in the UK for 2 years. A Filipina friend (a careworker) who I know for 3 years and lives here in the UK signed my photo. They accepted it and my provisional driving license was sent to me 2 weeks after I sent the application.
    na,theres no one here that shes knows for two years,i'm gona fone the test centre this morning to make sure they accept the p/port with Spouse visa,and if that's ok with them then she wont need the driving license.(hopefully)

  22. #22
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    I phoned the UKBA helpline,the one where you need to register before you can book the test,they said her p/port would be acceptable along with the spose visa in it ,to show the reason for the name change.he also said if she does the life in the UK test before the 28th October then she wont have to do the English language test,hence the reason we made the appointment in October.
    if the test centre don't accept the p/port/visa then i'll just have to cancel the appointment.
    time will tell.

  23. #23
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Thanks Raynaputi for the link to the consular outreach in Dublin. i'll check that out today.thanks.

  24. #24
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Brian..your wife needs to pass an English test in B1 level. It's a requirement along with the Life in the UK test starting 28 October 2013. You said your wife will apply ILR on May 2014. That means she needs to do both exams. Test centres WILL accept the passports for ID purposes.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    .... if she does the life in the UK test before the 28th October then she wont have to do the English language test,hence the reason we made the appointment in October.....
    Brian, Rayna is correct. I'm afraid that you've been given incorrect information.
    After 28th October 2013 EVERYONE who applies for ILR and Naturalisation must pass English Language level B1.

  26. #26
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Brian, Rayna is correct. I'm afraid that you've been given incorrect information.
    After 28th October 2013 EVERYONE who applies for ILR and Naturalisation must pass English Language level B1.
    Ach no,so what they meant was if she applies for ILR before the 28th she just needs the Life in the uk one, but if applying for ILR after the 28th she needs both,thats a bummer,i thought it was too good to be true.that life I suppose.she'll just concentrate on them one at a time,life in the uk first then worry about the English test.thanks once again for the info all.

  27. #27
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    There is a consular service in Dublin, Ireland on 26 to 27 October 2013 if you want to go somewhere nearer.
    looks like we've missed that consulate mission to Dublin,the web site says you need to apply by 17th t 31st August. we emailed the application to them today anyway but have had no reply,they are just 100 miles down the road but rather than bend their rules a little they'd have her fly to London instead. they can forget that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    looks like we've missed that consulate mission to Dublin,the web site says you need to apply by 17th t 31st August. we emailed the application to them today anyway but have had no reply,they are just 100 miles down the road but rather than bend their rules a little they'd have her fly to London instead. they can forget that.
    You still might be able to make that if you wanted. Just use your silver tongue.

    Didn't you yet kiss the Blarney Stone

  29. #29
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    looks like we've missed that consulate mission to Dublin,the web site says you need to apply by 17th t 31st August. we emailed the application to them today anyway but have had no reply,they are just 100 miles down the road but rather than bend their rules a little they'd have her fly to London instead. they can forget that.
    I suggest, if in case you haven't heard any from them after a couple of days, call the embassy and ask about it politely (you never know, they might add your wife to the list even if the deadline is over). And like what Terpe said, use your silver tongue.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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    Update, we got a call from the Philippine embassy in London yesterday afternoon,seems they will accept her late application, they will send a confirmation email within the next few weeks the lady said. Happy days.The Lord is on our side.

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