Burka fugitive is suing UK for £1m: Just SICKENING! MI6 chief's verdict as judge rules terror suspect can use legal aid to make his claim
- Al Qaeda-trained Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed gave police the slip after cutting off his tag and disguising himself with a full-body cloak in mosque
- The terror suspect has been on the run from the authorities for a week
- It has emerged he and another man is suing government at the High Court
- Claim says British 'encouraged or directly caused assault and mistreatment'
- Questions remain over why authorities failed to act when he removed tag
- Theresa May reveals confusion over whether police had Mohamed's passport
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2k3QPxaFJ
vomit inducing, is it any wonder the scum regard us as a soft touch
But his lawyers claim he was mistreated by his Somaliland interrogators with the knowledge of British security agents and are demanding huge sums in compensation for breach of Labour’s Human Rights Act.
The fact Mohamed is on the run – after cutting off his tagging device at a London mosque last Friday – has not halted the case.
The terror suspect was referred to in court papers as ‘MA’ but anonymity was lifted yesterday following his disappearance.
A second compensation claim is being made by another alleged jihadist, known only by the initials CF.
The case sparked incredulity at Westminster and new demands for the scrapping of the Human Rights Act.
If Mohamed is ever caught, he will still be entitled to pocket any award of compensation. Senior Tory backbencher Sir Gerald Howarth said the claim was a farce.
‘The abuse of the human rights legislation has now reached such offensive proportions that I think we will have to consider repealing it in this Parliament,’ he said.
He added: ‘What are the courts doing? Some seem to live on another planet.’
Tory backbencher Philip Hollobone said: ‘The British public is fed up to the back teeth of Muslim terror suspects trying it on with the British justice system.
'It is yet further evidence of why we need to leave the European Convention on Human Rights so we can properly seal our borders against such people.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2k3QjcbgB
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