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Thread: Bringing a child who belongs to my wife to the UK

  1. #1
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    Bringing a child who belongs to my wife to the UK


    Can somebody please let me know the basic requirements for bringing over a child? Just got married and arranging the spouse visa of my wife. She is coming over first and leaving her son with a family member temporarily so that she can get a job here in UK and settle before then we arrange her sons visa.

    I never had kids before so we need a few months by ourselves to settle and see what job she can work that can fit in with schools etc otherwise we would have arranged both visas together.. This is how we decided to do it.

    Can anyone provide the basic requirements in list form?

    Cant really find any information online.

    Thank you

  2. #2
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    It will be a lot cheaper and easier to apply for both together.

    I've brought two stepchildren here, but that was a long time ago, so best you check on the UKBA website for current requirements.

  3. #3
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    I'd agree with Graham. The best option is to have both visa's applied for at the same time.
    No-one knows which way the immigration rules will move.
    Depending on individual circumstances it can become problemetic going down the route you've chosen.

    Having said that, I can see that this is something you've both discussed.

    Have you reviewed the UKBA website ?

    I'll post some links later

  4. #4
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    As a first step and solely regarding the key visa issues may I suggest you review the UKBA webpage called Bringing your children. Please do be sure to follow all the links.

  5. #5
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    Why is it more problematic to apply afterwards? So its better to both apply at the same time? Maybe she can come first then she goes to collect him after 3 or 4 months... but both get visas at the same time i guess. The website is a bit hard to decipher.. its not as clear as spouse visa where its financial, proof of relationship and other things. The dependent child is not clear.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    is the bio father named on the child's birth cert ?

    you would need to be earning, i think its over £21k a year need to check.

    if you leave the child with a family member and months turns to years you could have a problem later with something called 'sole responsibility' but if its only months you shouldn't have a problem as long as your wife have some evidence.

  7. #7
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    these are the documents i submitted:

    - completed visa application form with the additional appendix
    - passport ( my son, me and hubby)
    - one passport sized photograph of my son
    - my BRP card
    - previous passport
    - marriage certificate
    - birth certificate ( my son, me and hubby)
    - employment contract ( me and hubby)
    - bank statements of our current account ( me and hubby)
    - savings account ( me and hubby)
    - payslips ( me and hubby)
    - tenancy agreement
    - photos of me and my son ( from birth up to recent)

    to prove that i am solely responsible of my son i provided:
    - copy of my remittances
    - letters from my parents that they are only looking after him, they are not responsible of him
    - letter from my son's school
    - letter from our parish
    - letter from my son's gp

    i also included letters from me and my hubby saying that we will be supporting my son in his stay here..
    ''The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but there still gonna be on it''

  8. #8
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    If you wish the 'settlement' route visa applications to apply to both your wife and the child, then the application form VAF4A will be used for both.
    Your wife will fill out hers in her name and also declare the child at Q4.17 and answer all following questions.
    She will also then complete another VAF4A form on behalf of the child in the child's name. (this is the child's visa application)
    The VAF 4A Financial Requirement Appendix will also need to be completed.
    The income requirement will be £22400

    The visa's issued will have a validity of 33 months. Giving a 3 month period for clearing up the loose ends etc.
    Having said that, it's not mandatory to travel to UK with the extra 3 months.

    Have a read of the links I've given then take a look at the forms to understand what's needed.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    If you wish the 'settlement' route visa applications to apply to both your wife and the child, then the application form VAF4A will be used for both.
    Your wife will fill out hers in her name and also declare the child at Q4.17 and answer all following questions.
    She will also then complete another VAF4A form on behalf of the child in the child's name. (this is the child's visa application)
    The VAF 4A Financial Requirement Appendix will also need to be completed.
    The income requirement will be £22400

    The visa's issued will have a validity of 33 months. Giving a 3 month period for clearing up the loose ends etc.
    Having said that, it's not mandatory to travel to UK with the extra 3 months.

    Have a read of the links I've given then take a look at the forms to understand what's needed.

    hi terpe! Its been a long time since i post here, i would like to ask what if im under the old rules is still need to provide a financial requirements? im planning to process my son visa maybe next year and my visa now here in uk is FLR. please enlighten me this matter.. thank you

  10. #10
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    i filled in the appendix 1 instead of appendix 2 but i explained to them why i did it.. for some reason they return the appendix 1 form to me which is unusual but they still granted my son's visa application.
    ''The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but there still gonna be on it''

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by shandylove View Post
    hi terpe! Its been a long time since i post here, i would like to ask what if im under the old rules is still need to provide a financial requirements? im planning to process my son visa maybe next year and my visa now here in uk is FLR. please enlighten me this matter.. thank you
    Hi shandylove, yes long probs

    If you're considered under the old rules then as I recall the Financial Requirements may not apply.
    I believe bhem_bhem was in the same circumstances as you and will share the story and details.

  12. #12
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    Thanks for all this great info. bhem_bhem so you came to UK then applied for your child to come with you or you both applied at the same time? I take it because you had remittence's means you already where in the UK for a little while. How long did you leave it before bringing your child? also where you succesful with the visa application for your child? thanks for the info.. thats what i wanted to know regarding the proof. Thanks

  13. #13
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Best to answer the question first. Is the bio father named on the child's birth cert ? If it his you will need his consent. Like terpe says you need to be earning at least £22400 per year for your wife and stepkid to come over here and lots of proof that your in a genuine relationship.

  14. #14
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lovemanila View Post
    Thanks for all this great info. bhem_bhem so you came to UK then applied for your child to come with you or you both applied at the same time? I take it because you had remittence's means you already where in the UK for a little while. How long did you leave it before bringing your child? also where you succesful with the visa application for your child? thanks for the info.. thats what i wanted to know regarding the proof. Thanks
    your welcome.. i arrived here last 2008 on a student visa then went back home last 2011 coz my visa expired. i just met andy (my husband now) a month before my visa expires so our best option is to apply for a fiance visa to see if we really are meant to be. i decided to leave my son in philippines coz i don't know if my relationship with andy will work. it was actually a good decision as it took me and andy months to adjust on our differences.

    when i got my spousal visa last november 2012, i started processing my son's visa. i applied for his visa first week of february 2013 then it was granted by may.

    Note: the list i have written above is for someone who hasn't got a complicated situation. the father of my son is not named on my son's birth certificate, he never met his son and i'm not married to him. my only concern when i applied was that i have been away for years.
    ''The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but there still gonna be on it''

  15. #15
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    Thanks for the great help and tips

  16. #16
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    Do you know if the father is named on the birth certificate ?

    It's much easier to give accurate advice if you can answer the IMPORTANT questions put to you (and courteous).

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hi shandylove, yes long probs

    If you're considered under the old rules then as I recall the Financial Requirements may not apply.
    I believe bhem_bhem was in the same circumstances as you and will share the story and details.

    sir terpe, is it ok that my husband is the main sponsor of my son? because i dont have work at the moment ,hopefully the financial requirement not apply for my son application coz i came here the so called old rules
    because my husband income is below the 18,600. and my son surename is on his father,is there any problem on that sir? thank you

  18. #18
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    Yes her son has her fathers surname because they broke up after he was born. She could maybe change it back i dont know how easy that is to do. Does that matter a lot? Thanks

  19. #19
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    But her father would be willing to write a statement that he does not have responsibility over her son if necessary.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lovemanila View Post
    Yes her son has her fathers surname because they broke up after he was born. She could maybe change it back i dont know how easy that is to do. Does that matter a lot? Thanks
    It doesn't matter who's surname the child has, it's whether or not the father's permission will be required, which if he is still will be.

    Quite reasonably so. I wouldn't like to think that the mother of a child of mine could just shoot off to the other side of the world with him/her, without being required to consult me first.

  21. #21
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    Lovemanila, does you wife and her child both have passports?
    How old is the child?

    Whichever overall strategy you decide, it's better to have all needed documents (such as passport) done and dusted beforehand. IMO

  22. #22
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    My wife has already asked the father via his sister if he would be willing to write a statement to allow her son to go to the UK and the father has agreed this. The father is already in another relationship with another woman and has children with her,

    Yes she will get the passports done beforehand. The problem at the moment she doesnt have a lot of evidence, so in the UK she can gather the evidence that she is sole responsible. At the moment she can get statements in the form of affadavit from a vew people including the father but if she is in the UK for some months then can add email evidence to her sis / remittences and more stuff probably even maybe a letter from the childs school (he will be starting in January).


  23. #23
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    Goodness...I wish all three of you well Lovemanila.
    I'm afraid I can't chip in as I've only processed fiancee and spouse Visas in The Philippines

  24. #24
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    I would have thought the evidence would be a lot stronger, and the application generally stronger, if at the time of her application she is actually living with her son (dated photos together etc).

    Plus, she may be required to attend an interview at the Embassy with the happened with my two stepchildren.

  25. #25
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    It must be tough getting it..a lot don't bother

  26. #26
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    How does it work when the child has the father's surname, but the father's whereabouts are unknown, so as to ask his permission to take his child out of the country, as is my predicament. Anyone dealt with this scenario?
    Many Thanks

  27. #27
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    I think you'd be best seeking advice in the Philippines on that one, as it comes under their jurisdiction (permitting a child to leave the country, acquiring a passport for the child, etc).

    Forms will need to be completed and signed.

    'Certificate of legal guardianship' probably required.


  28. #28
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    He has his filipino passport, the mothers attendance was all that was required for that, but the visa is a tricky one. I can prove I have supported him since a baby.. doctors notes, school records etc. I'll check out the link you sent, there must be someone who has been in the same situation, I'll track them down!

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